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"How the hell this happened!!??" Aran yelled on top of his lungs.

"Who told you to kidnap Tine's mom?" Asked Aran.

"Aren't you the one who brought him here?" Jayden asked him.

"Master we are doing what we are told to do" Joshua said.

"If I didn't then who ordered you?" Aran asked fuming.

"I was the one who ordered them"

Aran turned to look at the lady with a blood curling smile on her face. Skin as pale as ghost. Lips bloody red. Her hair turning gray with passing time. Even being old she still looked dashing as ever. Wearing an red gown add more shine to her.

"Mom I told you to stay out of this" Aran said to the lady who was busy examining the unconscious on the floor.

"After all this is connected to me" she sighed while standing straight.

"This was the reason I got abonded. Do you think I will let the chance sleep" she said her eyes glowing in anger.

"Jayden lock them in rooms too" Aran ordered him.

At Sarawat home

The four of them were sitting on the couch while Jason fondled with his phone.

"He is not picking!" Jason exclaimed.

"This means only one thing" taehyung said as he is a detective.

"First Tine then Your mom. I think it is all connected to you" he said pointing at Sarawat.

"What do you mean by tine?" He asked. Nobody told him about.

"Actually we came here because tine was missing" this time Jimin was the one to stand.

"But he called home yesterday" jungkook said.

"It is confusing" jimin said and plopped on the couch.

"Who would want to kidnap them?" Sarawat asked confused.

"Why don't we track down there phone" Taehyung said.

"Do you think the culprit is this stupid" Jason said.

"Who would want kidnap Mae dad?" Sarawat asked his father.

"I don't know"

"Call your brother to check if he is safe or not" Jason told his phone. Sarawat went upstairs to pick his phone.

(Knock knock)

"Who could be here at this moment?" Jason said while opening the door.

There stood Pha with package in his hand. He looked worried. Jason made way for him to enter.

Sarawat came down to see Pha standing in their living room. The three trouble makers seem to deal their mouths as the atmosphere become more gloomy.

"What's wrong?" Jason could tell something is wrong with his friend.

"Yo and tine are missing" pha said.

"Tine is your son" Jason said somewhat shocked. He didn't knew the boy his son liked was his old friend's son.

"Now that suspicious" Taehyung said.

Everyone attention turned to Taehyung sitting on the sofa. He looked like he was in deep thought.

"What is it?" Sarawat asked.

"If we see it was in a order first it was tine than your Mae then his mom" Taehyung said.

"So you mean someone is planning it against us" Jason asked he is cover as a high quality detective.

"But something is off" jimin said.

"If he want to take revenge on you then it is making sense if he kidnaps your mom and lover but why would he kidnap Tine's mom" jimin said pointing at Sarawat then looking confusedly at Pha.

"Is it connected to three of us?" Pha asked pointing themselves. Others just nodded but why would they want to take revenge on them. They never had enemy.

"They were kidnap after you and tine came back from trip" Jason said and Pha nodded along with him.

"Something must've happened at trip" Taehyung said.

"What happened at trip?" Jason asked his son who replied with I don't want to talk about it.

"Wait you were at trip too". Pha said looking at jimin. Everyone attention turned to him.

Jimin bit his lower lip. Looking hesitant before letting it slip out his mouth.

"Tine told me that a guy was disturbing him a lot"

Sarawat couldn't control himself anymore. He lunged forward to choke jimin to death.

Jungkook and taehyung helped him to escape from Sarawat.

"We should work together not fight each other" Pha said. He was also angry that his son had hide things from him.

"Who is it?" Jason asked.

"Someone named Aran as I remember" jimin said scratching his head.

"Shit" Jason cursed.

"Why what happened?" This name also made pha to panic a bit.

"He is Pring's son" Jason said and Pha just looked at him shocked.

"It's no doubt that he is the master mind" Pha said.

"How can you just say that?" Sarawat asked. He knew tine and Aran liked each other but why Aran would do these thing.

Pha and Jason looked at each other. And decided it would be better if they tell truth to kids.

"But how would we find them?" Jimin asked.

"How did uncle find way to here?" Sarawat asked Pha.

"I tracked yo's phone but the location show this place" Pha said showing them his phone.

"Our house?" Jason asked.

Something is behind all these things. It's make sense if he wants tine because he wants to revenge on Sarawat but why their wives.

"Ah, I think we missed something" jungkook said after listening to others conversation for about an hour.

"What?" Jimin was the first one to ask him.

"The main point which joins the three of them is they are all wives" jungkook pointed.

Something flashed in Jason mind. How could he forgot about this?

"Pring is only left with Aran as his father died which means he was raised under Pring's supervision" Jason said.

"And by the story it looks like the main culprit is Pring not Aran" jimin said.

"But it could be Aran too" taehyung said.

"How's that?" Jason asked. Every clues show that it is clearly Pring.

"Aran could take revenge as because of Tine's mother his mother was abonded and because of Sarawat mother his dad had to struggle" taehyung pointed out.

"But why Tine?" Sarawat asked.

"Isn't it clear that he kidnap him because he likes tine" Jimin said confused.

"But I think that is not real reason" Jason said and taehyung nodded at him.

Sorry for not updating for days
I was working on 'fruit cake'. My another story.
I will complete this first then start updating other.

Q- But what do you think the real reason behind Aran kidnapping Tine?


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