Reunions and Meetings

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"As a member of Orynth academy we expect you to uphold our standards-" Headmaster Erawan, droned on. The room was stuffy, and my itchy new uniform wasn't doing much to help.  Orynth academy. My fresh start. No one knew me here, no one knew about the hellish year I had. "Someone has volunteered to show you around, and introduce you to your room mate." A knock sounded on the door, "This will be him now. Come in!" Erawan said through the door. My tour guide walked an, and my breath caught in my throat.

"Aedion," I gasped, taking in his face, still almost identical to mine. His blond hair, the Ashryver eyes we share. Whilst I was slim, built for stealth, he was broad and muscular. He'd bulked up a lot since the last time I'd seen him.

"Long time no see, Aelin." He was grinning, ear to ear, and so was I. Erawan cleared his throat, remind us that he was, in fact, still sat there.

"You can go now, Miss Galathynius." I thanked Erawan and walked out of his stuffy office, trying to keep my cool. As soon as I had shut the door behind me, I pounced on Aedion, wrapping my arms around him. He melted into my embrace, and it took everything for me not to cry.

"I thought you were dead. When Erawan announced that you were joining the school, I almost screamed. It's been ten years, Aelin. What the hell happened?"

"It's a long story. A really long one, and not one I'd like to share where anyone can hear." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. I was willing the tears forming in my eyes not to fall, I didn't want to cry in front of everyone on my first day.

"Okay. But we'll talk about it later, in private. I deserve to know what you've been doing these past ten years."

"I know you do. And I will tell you, just somewhere more private." And when I've had time to prepare myself to tell my tale, I silently added. We stopped hugging and Aedion sighed.

"I guess it's time for your tour. Welcome to Orynth academy."


It took Aedion quite a while to show me around the school, it was rather big. We finally came to the library, and I can say with the upmost confidence it is my favourite room in the entire school. I scanned the bookshelves, my fingers running across the spine of all the books, when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you." He stammered. I got a good look at him then - he had striking sapphire blue eyes and shiny black curly hair - so this school has some good eye candy.

"Don't worry, it's no problem. I'm Aelin." I stuck out the hand that wasn't carrying an harmful of books for him to shake.

"Ah, you must be the new girl. I'm Dorian. By the way, are you aware that Aedion Ashryver is glaring daggers at us right now?" The boy - Dorian - asked, shaking my hand.

"Oh him? Don't worry. He's just my older cousin. Rather overprotective, but what can you do?" I turned to look at Aedion, who was I fact, glaring at us, murder in his eyes.

"I'm surprised you managed to get him in here. The grishaverse? They're a good read." Dorian said, eyeing up the stack of books in my arm.

"Oh, I know, they're some of my favourites." Aedion cleared his throat behind me.

"Erm, Aelin, I think we should be getting going. I still need to show you where your room is."

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, Dorian."

"See you later, Aelin." He went back to browsing the shelves, and I turned to Aedion and we checked the books out.

"So, Aedion, what's the deal with Dorian? He stole your girlfriend or something?" I asked.

"No, nothing like that. But we don't really... get along."

"And why is that?"

"Well, you see, he's Mister Havilliard's son."

"Who's son?"

"The deputy headmaster."

"And what has that got to do with him?"

"I just don't trust him. And I don't think he likes me very much, either."

"Honestly, you boys and your egos." We walked for a while. Not saying much. I was taling in my surroundings, the people in the corridor. No one was all that interesting, to be perfectly honest. At least, no one I saw. A few people whispered, a few people introduced themselves, but I forgot their names after a bit. The school just seemed so bland, so lifeless. It needed something to jazz it up a bit. Make it a bit more exciting.  It didn't help that almost everyone seemed kind of miserable. Like the place was sucking the life out of them.

"Why is everyone so depressed?" I asked my cousin. I came here to get away from my misery, not wallow in it. I had to keep busy. Keep talking. Stop myself from thinking about him. Sam Cortland. The boy I loved. The boy I still love. The boy I never got the chance to tell that I loved him. Even after a year, I still missed him. It was like losing a limb, someone I could always depend on, no matter what, just vanishing. Not vanishing. Dying. There wasn't a chance of him coming back.

"It's just because it's a Monday. Most people are probably hung over, and really didn't like getting up early this morning." Aedion snapped me out of my thoughts, just in the nick of time, to. I could feel the tears starting to well up.

"Oh okay." My voice was small, far away. I had to get Sam out of my head. I had to stop thinking about him, this was supposed to be a new start, to help me move on. He would have wanted me to move on. But it was so hard. So, so hard.

"Aelin, are you alright?"

"Just perfect. So, where abouts is my room, hm?" I really hoped I'd get a good room mate. One that was a really deep sleeper that wouldn't hear me screaming whenever the nightmares appeared.

"Oh, yeah, sure, this way." He started to lead me to my room, and said he didn't know who my room mate was. He led me a serious of winding corridors, and pointed out his room so I would 'know where to go in case I needed him.' I love him, but I can handle myself. A few sharp turns later we came to my room. I stopped just outside of the door. Should I knock first? I thought. No, this is your room Aelin. But what  if she doesn't know I'm starting today? I walked in, ignoring my doubts. I looked around the very plain room, two beds, a door which I assumed led to a bathroom, and two desks. A very minimal room. I guess I'll just have to decorate it up a bit. The toilet flushed and someone came out the bathroom. The problem was I knew that face. And by her expression, she knew me to. But not as Aelin. She knew me as Celeana, a criminal, a girl who she always butted heads with. I needed to show her that I wasn't that girl anymore. I needed to get Aedion out.

"Hi, I'm Aelin." I put on my best smile and stuck my hand out. She just glared at it.

"Aedion, can you leave us be for a while? I'll come and find you when we're done, I swear." Aedion nodded and walked out the room, senisng an awkward aura between us.

"I'm Lysandra," the girl practically snarled, "but I think you already knew that, didn't you, Celeana."


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story, or at least want to keep on reading it. Remember how Aedion, Dorian and Chaol didnt get on very well in Heir of fire? Well it's gonna be like that for a bit. But to help me, what do you guys want to see more, chaol and Dorian together, or manon and Dorian? What are your opinions on this chapter, I'm always looking to improve!

Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now