spilling the tea

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Aelin POV

I got back from my little adventure with Rowan to find Aedion and Elide with Lysandra in our room. Shit.

"Where have you been?" Aedion demanded.

"What are you wearing?" Elide asked.

"Took your time." Lysandra muttered sarcastically. I still hadn't told them about the whole assassination thing. I've been meaning to, but I've been busy. And Elide starts crying at the mere mention  of Lorcan. I couldn't exactly tell her I was working with him. Plus Aedion would just go all overprotective cousin on me, which is something I definitely don't need.

"Aelin." Aedion said again, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Aedion." I mocked him, stripping off my knives and taking off my shoes.

"Aelin, this is serious. Where have you been?"


"Out where?"

"Just out." Lysandra rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically.

"Oh don't do that, or you can tell them whilst I shower. I'm freezing." I pointed at Lysandra, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Come on Aelin, where have you been?" Elide's quiet voice filled the room. Damn it. I can't mock her right now.

"Fine. But can I get changed first? This suit is soaking wet and I don't fancy walking up with a cold tomorrow."

"We're not leaving until you tell us."

"Of course you aren't." I muttered as I grabbed some pyjamas and walked into the bathroom. As I was getting changed I heard Aedion and Lysandra talking.

"So you know where she's been."

"I know why she's been out, but I don't know where. Or with who."

"She was with someone?" It sounded like Aedion was talking through gritted teeth. Over protective bastard mode activated.


I carefully peeled of the assassin suit, being careful not to trigger any hidden weapons. I didn't quite fancy impaling myself with a knife. It would get me out of the awkward conversation I was about to have though. I slid on the fluffy pyjamas and walked back out. I sat down on my bed and grabbed a chocolate from my secret stash. I deserved it. Not only had I managed to spend an entire night alone with Rowan Whitethorn and not kill him, I was about to fess up to my friends.

"So?" Aedion asked.

"Now before I tell you, you have to promise not to flip out. Remember this was my choice and I stand by it-"

"Oh my God Aelin stop stalling at get it over with!" Elide snapped. It startled all of us, she hadn't snapped at anyone like that since Lorcan dumped her. I was happy to see her riled up, some part of her usual self.

"Okay, okay. I was out spying on Mr. Havilliard with Rowan Whitethorn." I braved myself for their questions.

"So that's who you were with."

"Why Mr. Havilliard?" Elide asked.

"Why Rowan Whitethorn?" Aedion seethed.

"Basically, Arobynn Hamel cornered me. And I'm doing one last job for him. I have to work with Rowan." They exploded. Hurling curses and questions and shouts at me.

"Keep your voices down! I don't need the whole school knowing. Or Mr. Havilliard for that matter." I shushed them.

"Why." Aedion stared at me, disbelief and disappointment in his eyes. He was looking at me like I was a monster. It made my heart hurt.

"He has information on- information on someone who was murdered. Someone very dear to me. Someone I never got to tell how much I loved them." I swallowed, willing the tears in my eyes not to fall. "He said that if I kill Mr. Havilliard for him, he will tell me who killed him. Sam." The look in Aedion's eyes changed - they were filled with sadness now. Not pity, but sympathy. Elide had been quiet. When I looked at her, tears were falling down her face. She was thinking about Lorcan again. She really did love him, and seeing her like this makes me hate him even more than usual.

"Aelin-" Aedion started.

"No. Just don't. I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know I said I left that life behind. But I need this closure. I need to know who did it. And I managed to get another type of payment as well. The traditional kind." I forced myself to grin, but it felt - and probably looked - more lik a grimace.

"So you were spying on Mr. Havilliard to kill him. Does Dorian know about this?" Aedion seemed to he asking the questions for both himself and Elide. Lysandra was just watching the events unfold, not saying a word. I didn't know if I wanted to thank or throttle her for it.

"No." I confessed, "but if I tell him, he'll probably tell the police. I can't go to jail again. And how would I tell him? I know I should. I know it's only right that I do. But how?" I confessed. "Chaol doesn't trust me. He never has. And if Dorian tells him, well then I have a one way ticket to a jail cell. It's so risky. Not to mention that Rowan is involved."

It was all just one great big sticky mess. One I5 had no idea how to sort through.

"Where you ever going to tell us. If we weren't here when you got back, would you have told us?" The first words Elide had spoken since I told them about Sam. They filled the room, creating a tension that wasn't there before.

"Eventually." I breathed, "I just didn't want you guys to look at me and see a murderer. I didn't want to hurt you. When I'm around you, I'm Aelin. I'm just a normal teenager hanging out with her cousin and best friends without a care in the world. I didn't want to change that." Elide stood from where she was sitting, across the room from me, and sat down right next to me.

"When I look at you, Aelin, I'd never see a murderer. I'd see a girl who had to do what she had to do to survive. I'd see a strong girl, a girl who could make the stars quake in their boots if she wanted to." She hugged me, and I hugged her back. I looked up at Aedion, who had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"But why did Lysandra know all about this, but not us?" I looked at Lysandra, who nodded her head. It seemed like she would be coming clean tonight to.

"Because she knew me as Celeana." Lysandra then took over, sharing with Elide and Aedion something she had never shared with anyone other than me and those who Clarisse also 'took care of'. And if I had my way, soon Lysandra would never gave to see Clarisse again.


Hey :). I know this has taken me a while, but writing block sucks. However, I have now planned out EXACTLY where this fic is going, so hopefully I wont be getting writers block very much. It's going to be about 50 parts long, give or take a few.

Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now