team buidling - literally

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Aelin POV

My mind was reeling. Sam. My Sam. But I killed Rourke Farran. I killed him because he killed Sam. That's what led me to being out away. Rourke Farran killed Sam.

"I already know who killed Sam. Rourke Farran killed Sam. So I killed him You already know this." I watched Arobynn's face as I spoke, and his lips curled up into a smile. He knew I would say this. He knew this would happen. Sly bastard.

"Oh, my dear, sweet Celeana. Rourke Farran was a pawn, it was made to look like he'd killed Sam so that you would go after him and eliminate someone's competition. The real murderer still walks among us." No. No. I kept my face neutral, almost bored looking, whilst the cogs in my mind whirled. Arobynn knew I would do this if he told me that. 

"Interesting. But my services require more of a payment than information - I am the best, after all." Arobynn wasn't expecting that. He thought he could wrap me around his little finger for a snippet of information. Of course I wanted to know who really killed Sam. Of course I wanted to avenge him. But I had other friends that needed my help. The amount of money I used to get from assassinations, they could pay for almost anything I wanted.And after a while, hat included both mine and Sam's debts for Arobynn.

"Oh really? And how much would we be talking here?" He asked.

"Well that all depends on how much work the job is, doesn't it? Tell me more about what I'm supposed to be doing, and I'll tell you my price." I leant back in my chair, folding my arms across my chest.  Arobynn looked annoyed. Good. 

"Fine. You will have six weeks from today to kill the deputy headmaster of your school, Mr. Havilliard. But you won't be working alone - one of my... associates wishes for the job to be done as well. So you will be working with her six cronies." Dorian's dad. He wants me to kill my friends Dad. But I needed the information - and the money.

"Sounds like a lot of work. Dealing with new people? That's gonna be a little extra I'm afraid."

"Exactly how much are we talking?"

"2 million. Plus the information about Sam. Otherwise we have no deal." I looked him straight in the eye as I spoke, daring him to say no, to look away. He didn't even flinch. He probably wipes his ass with money. Such a shame it comes from teaching people stuff they never wanted to learn and then forcing them to pay him for it. 

"Fine. I better be paying for good quality, though."

"Oh, you most certainly are."


Rowan POV

Once Maeve announced our, well, victim, we ate silently. Even Maeve didn't speak. All I could think about was exactly who we were going to be working with. It would be tough, working with an outsider, having to trust them. Them trusting us. Having to deal with another insufferable person. I practically leapt out of my seat when Maeve told us we'd be meeting them tonight. She gave us no hints, this person was a complete mystery. Maeve says that they are the best. The best at murdering people? I should sincerely hope not. If you want to be the best at something, you certainly don't decide it's going to be in killing.

We climbed into Maeve's car and were driven around Orynth. After a short while the assassin's keep came up in front of us - I paled instantly. So did the others, apart from Connal. It seems he already knows this assassin we are working with. My mind flashed to that man we drunkenly killed in the alley - maybe Maeve was finally fed up on us and decided to tell Arobynn Hamel what really happened to his bodyguard. I saw panic in Gavriel's eyes - it looked like we were thinking the same thing. Fenrys seemed perfectly fine - but I knew that his mind was spinning. 

"Ah, Maeve, you've arrived! Just in time for dessert. I'm guessing these six boys are your cadre." Arobynn met us at the gates. At least, I thought it was him. He was in his late thirties, with red hair that must've been dyed. I scanned the front gardens - no one else was in sight.

"Of course. We'll make introductions when your... worker arrives." MAeve strolled past him, not giving him a second glance. We all, including Arobynn, followed her.

"Why, she is already inside, in the dining room." Arobynn caught up to MAeve and opened the grand front door for her, and led us into what must've been the dining room. I was shocked to see who was sat there.

Aelin POV

What are they doing here?

Rowan POV

What is she doing here?

Fenrys POV

So I've been sitting next to an assassin in cass this whole time?

Lorcan POV

Does Elide know that she's an assassin? I have to tell her. After I break up with her. Or before. Probably before.

Aelin POV

I sat there, unmoving as the six boys walked into the dining room and sat down. One of them is my friend. One of them I enjoy taking the piss out of maybe a little too much. One of them is just an asshole. The other three I haven't really spoken to. It was clear Rowan, Fenrys and Lorcan recognised me. Rowan ended up sat across from me. He quirked an eyebrow a little, it was hardly noticeable, unless you were looking, he seemed to say, Why am I not completely surprised that you are Arobynn's best assassin?

Former assassin, I silently said back, this is a one time thing. I eventually tore my gaze from Rowan and looked at Lorcan, sat on Rowan's right. He was fuming. But there also seemed to be a little sad glint in his eyes. It had better not be anything to do with Elide.

"Celeana," Arobynn started. I wish he would stop using that name. I'm not Celeana anymore. Celeana died rotting in a jail cell. I wanted to stab him until he realised that, "this is Maeve's cadre. Rowan, Fenrys, Lorcan, Gavriel, Vaughan and Connall. However I would think that you'd recognise them from school."

Rowan looked at me again. Celeana? He silently questioned. I shot him a glare that told him that it was Aelin. Only Aelin.

"Boys, this is Celeana Sardothien. Arobynn's best assassin."

"Former." I spat out, repeating the words I had silently said to Rowan, "this is a one time thing." Maeve was not happy I corrected her. Arobynn didn't looked pleased either. I scanned the room again, taking in all of the faces sat at the table. By the looks of it, this would be a long six weeks.


So... what do you think? Not a total cliffhanger this time. I've given you a couple in a row. Happy reading.

Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now