It's party time

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Dressed in a scandalous golden dress, Lysandra and I met Aedion and Elide, ready to go to Fenrys' party. He didn't board at the school, and lived a few minutes walk away from it. My dress had a very low neckline, was almost skin tight, and rather short. It didn't leave much to the imagination, let me tell you. Lysandra was wearing a stunning green dress which matched her eyes perfectly, and Elide was wearing a tight black skirt with a red tube top. Aedion didn't put much effort in, and was only wearing jeans and a t shirt.

"I still can't believe you managed to get us here." Lysandra said as we approached the front door.

"Well, you better believe it, because there's no turning back now." I pushed the front door open. The party was already in full swing, with tipsy teenagers dancing with each other and singing along to the music that was blasting from some hidden speakers.

"Why hello there, Aelin. Funny seeing you here." Fenrys had spotted us walking in, and had instantly made his way over to us.

"Funny indeed. Is this the appropriate attire you wanted me in? Or do I have to change?" I winked at him, and Aedion seemed to get a little mad. Territorial bastard.

"Oh no, that will do nicely. I see you briefed your friends on the dress code as well." He teased.

"That I did. We couldn't have them being under dressed now, could we?" Elide and Lysandra dragged Aedion into the mass of people, leaving ne and Fenrys alone. Well, as alone as we could be.

"Of course not. What a terrible host I've been! Let's get you a drink shall we?"

"Lead the way." I followed him to where the drinks were, pushing my way through the crowd.

"There had better be alcohol in that." I said as he poured me a drink. He just grinned and handed it over to me. I took it and downed the whole thing. The cheap beer burned as it went down my throat, the first drink I'd had in over a year. "Another one." Was all I said, staring straight into Fenrys' eyes. He poured me another, but I didn't take it like a shot this time. I was sipping it when Lorcan came over to us.

"Hey Lorcan." I grinned, so cheerful it was like I was mocking him. Which I was. "Thank you so much for talking to me and getting me here!"

"Where's Elide." He shrugged me off.

"I don't know. I'm not her keeper. Why don't you go look for her?" I took another swig of my beer.

"Thanks a lot." He stormed off, no doubt to look for Elide.

"Use a condom!" I screamed after him, giggling.

"Are we going to dance or what?" Fenrys asked me, nodding his head to where everyone was dancing.

"Let's go." We walked over and started dancing. We jumped up and down and screamed to the music and grinded on eachother and drank until we could hardly walk.
Lysandra POV

After Aelin went off with Fenrys, I stayed with Aedion and Elide, but eventually Elide went off with Lorcan. At first, this is were really awkward between me and Aedion. After all, we didn't really know eachother well, and didn't talk to eachother before Aelin started going to school with us. After a few drinks, things got less tense. By less tense, I mean a bit too comfortable.

"You're very pretty." He slurred, and I giggled. Giggled? I don't giggle. I never giggle.

"And you're very handsome." I slurred back, wrapping a piece of hair around my fingers. You could tell I was trying to flirt with him from a mile off, but in my drunken state I thought I was being subtle.

"Shall we dance?" Aedion grinned wickedly and I smiled right back it him.

"I thought you'd never ask." I tried to say, but it sounded more like "ifortyouddereask" if he understood I don't know, but he led me to the dance floor, so I guess he got the jist of it. We started dancing- if you could call it that. It was more like flailing about - as if we were trying not to drown or something. We moved and shouted to the music, but I think that the 'shouting' was more like incomprehensible screaming. With more alcohol came even more screaming and flailing, until eventually he kissed me. And being the drunken fool I was, I kissed him back. Hard. At one point I saw Aelin leave the party - where she was going I had no idea. And she seemed to be with someone - a guy by the looks of it. And I swear I saw his hair glow silver in the low light of the party.


Aelin POV

After a while of dancing and a couple more drinks I needed some fresh air. I left Fenrys and his friends who he briefly introduced me to. Fenrys had said I could go up onto the roof, it would be quiet there, and clear my head. Well, as much as I could clear my alcohol clouded brain. I laid down on the roof, gazing at the stars in the night sky. They glistened and glimmered, tiny diamonds decorating the night sky. I was away with the fairies when a voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm afraid the party is downstairs, and you seem to be missing it." The voice was low and quiet, and almost definitely masculine. I sat up and looked around a little too quickly, making me rather dizzy. Well, very dizzy.

"It's not polite to sneak up on a lady." I said to the mystery voice. The world was still spinning a bit when the owner of said voice sat down next to me.

"It's not polite to come onto the roof of my house uninvited."

"Fenrys said I could come up here. And last time I checked, this was his house." I looked at the guy now sat next to me, and my breathing hitched. He had stunning green eyes and silver hair, but the thing that made me gasp was the beautiful tattoo running up the left side of his face. It seemed to tell a tale in a language I didn't know or recognise.

"Well I share it with Fenrys and my other friends. I'm Rowan." Rowan Whitethorn. The only member of this 'cadre' I had yet to meet. The one Lysandra said people are scared of. Nothing seemed alarming about him; sure the tattoos are a bit daunting, bit he doesn't seem dangerous.

"Aelin." Was all I said, eyeing him up and down. He was muscular, you could see the outlines of his muscle through his shirt. Over all, not a bad sight. He said nothing. He seemed to like the silence, so of course I broke it.

"Cool tattoos. Where did you get them done? I've been thinking about getting one myself."

"Just a parlour downtown. I could take you."

"Then let's go." My stupid drunk ass said. He grinned at me, probably knowing that I had had a few drinks and wasn't completely in my right mind.

"Now?" He said through his smile.



So, what do you think? Rowan and aelin have finally met - and Lysandra and Aedion seem to be getting on rather well... but will they get together?

Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now