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A/n - you're probably gonna hate me for this

Elide POV

Something seemed off with Lorcan's text. He asked to meet me in a park just off of campus, so I was sat there waiting for him. Something seemed off with him when he came up to the bench I was sat at, to. He didn't seem as confident as usual - his shoulders were drooping. I tried to think about what could have happened to make him act like that.

"Lorcan? Are you alright?" I asked him as he sat down next to me. I took my hand in his, but he wouldn't quite meet my eyes. He didn't answer.

"Lorcan?" I asked again. He started rubbing circles into the back of my hand. Something was really wrong, he didn't answer me for the second time. I put my free hand under his chin and lifted it so he was looking at me. There was no mistaking the pain in his eyes. It sent me into a panic.

"Lorcan - are you hurt? Has someone hurt you? Talk to me." I rubbed my thumb against his cheek, and he leant into my touch. He still stayed quiet.

"Lorcan, you're scaring me."  My mind raced. He didn't look hurt. But what could have been making him act like this? He brought his free hand and held mine - the one that was cupping his cheek.

"Elide, sweetheart, there's something I have to do." He finally said. It did nothing to stop my panicking.

"What is it? I can help-"

"No you can't." His voice was hoarse - and his eyes started to glisten with silver. They were tears, I realised. But Lorcan doesn't cry. Lorcan- something must have been truly wrong. Lorcan, my Lorcan, was crying.

"Please. Tell me what's happening." Tears were threatening to spill over my cheeks now.

"We... we have to break up." I felt my heart splinter in my chest. My hand fell away from his cheek, and the other fell slack in his grip. Tears washed down my cheeks, I couldn't hold them in any longer.

"What?" It came out as a whisper, but I know he heard me. He wouldn't my eyes again.

"Look at me." I said. He didn't. "Look at me!" I said it much louder this time, my words were much more forceful. He did. I saw the single tear he had let escape rolling down his cheek.

"Why?" I choked out. My heart couldn't take it. I didn't know if I really wanted to know why. I could hardly stand the sight of him. I though he loved me. He said he loved me. And I was foolish enough to believe it. To believe that he could love me, despite my past. Despite my ankle. I guess not.

"I don't want to do this." He finally said.

"Then don't! I love you. You told me you loved me. Why can't we be together?" My hands curled into fists at my side.

"We can't Elide. I knew it was only a matter of time before it came to this. I ignored it - but it was inevitable." With every word he broke my heart more. With every word it felt like he had ripped my heart out of my chest and was stomping on it.

"Lorcan please - we can work this out! Whatever it is, if you tell me I can help-"

"You don't get it. I'm doing this for your sake. By doing this, I'm keeping you safe."

"If it means I can't be with you, then I don't want to be safe! I love you, Lorcan. Doesn't that mean anything?" I was shouting now. At one point I had stood up, and I was ignoring the pain coming from my ankle.

"Elide, I love you to but-"

"If you loved me, you wouldn't be doing this!" I yelled, right in his face. He winced, which took my by surprise. I tried not to let it show.

"Sweetheart, you don't understand-"

"Don't you dare call me sweetheart! Ever again." I hissed. Tears fell rapidly down my face, so much so that my vision was a little blurry from them. My heart completely caved in on itself. I couldn't imagine a life without Lorcan. I love him with everything I have - and I knew some part of me always would. I didn't know if I'd ever recover from this. My attention snapped to the bracelet on my wrist - the one he bought me. I pulled it off and threw it at him.

"What happened to 'I will always find you', hm? Was that just another lie? Like you telling me that you love me?"

"Elide I wasn't lying-"

"Cut the bullshit, Lorcan." I hurled the bracelet at him, and turned on my good heel.

"I never want to fucking see you again." I said over my shoulder. Then I walked straight back to campus. I couldn't go back to my room - not with my nosy roommate. So I went straight to Aelin and Lysandra's. When Aelin answered the door, I collapsed into her arms, hugging her tight, sobbing into her shoulder. Neither she nor Lysandra said anything Lysandra carefully closed the door behind us.


I told you

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