the rooftop in the rain with whitethorn

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Aelin POV

I certainly did not miss the stake out part of the whole 'assassin' thing. Especially when you are sat on a rooftop with someone you can hardly stand and the rain is soaking you through. Unfortunately, Whitethorn and I are sat watching the Havilliard house. Dorian for some reason boards at the school, so I can't make an excuse to get into the house with him for 'studying' or some bullshit. Which means, we're going to have to break in . Which means even more stake out than usual. It's tolerable when I'm with Fenrys or Gavriel - but tonight I'm stuck with Whitethorn. Everything about him is infuriating. I'm still not over him letting me get that tattoo whilst obviously drunk. 

We're sat in silence. If it's not silence we're arguing, and we can't exactly argue whilst spying on someone. I mean, we can, but then we'd get found out. It's bad enough he insists that I can't do anything alone - that I have to have one of his little cadre with me at all times. I don't need a chaperone. I've told them all that many times. They don't listen. Overbearing bastards. I start to spin a knife in my hands. I made Arobynn let me raid his armory before we started watching Mr. Havilliard's house, I refuse to go in unarmed, even if we're just watching and not doing.

"Stop that." My glorified babysitter hissed.


"Bite me."

"How about I run you through instead?"  Rowan snarled. I grinned. I kept twirling my knife. I had flat out refused to go anywhere with Lorcan after he broke up with Elide. I didn't tell her about Maeve, though maybe I should've. He only fueled my hate for him when he broke her heart. Elide hasn't been doing well at all. She hardly speaks, and she's gone deathly pale. I don't think she's sleeping well. Lysandra, Aedion and I are really worried about her. I think that Manon Blackbeak is to. I've been doing my best to help, I've been making sure she eats and goes to all her classes, but she's devastated. I just wish I could do more. And I haven't told her about the assassination. Or Aedion, for that matter. I should really get onto that.

"I thought I told you to stop that." Whitethorn growled.

"Make me."

"Maybe I will." He stepped closer.

"Go ahead." We fell back into silence. I sheathed my knife. I started drumming my fingers on the ledge of the rooftop.

"Do you want us to get caught?"

"You'll be the one getting us caught with all your growling." He mumbled something under his breath. It pissed me off.

"Did you want to say that to my face?"

"Fine. No wonder you managed to annoy Lorcan into talking."

"Maybe Lorcan's pissy all the time because he hangs out with you." My voice was getting louder.

"Is anyone up there?" Rowan and I froze. Someone had heard us arguing. He glared at me. This is your fault, he seemed to say. I glared straight back, My fault? This is on you. Footsteps sounded and started to fade. Whoever had heard us had walked off. Thank god. 

"Ignorant fool. You almost got us caught." Whitethorn whisper-shouted. Honestly, he was acting like I was a child.

"No, you almost got us caught. Stop talking down at me. I'm the assassin here."

"I thought this was a 'one time thing.' "

"It is. But I did this for years before I-" I stopped.

"You what?" He took a step closer to me - trying to intimidate me. It didn't work. Sure, he's taller than me, and I can't deny he's got some good muscles on him - but I'm quick. And if need be, he can say goodbye to his knees.

"It's none of your business." I huffed, folding my arms across my chest.

"You got caught, didn't you, Celeana?"

"I said, it's none of your fucking business." I stormed off  to a corner of the roof. Far away from him. Not a wise choice if I want to escape, but I can still see the house, at least. The house that someone is currently leaving.

"Shit. Someone's leaving." Rowan raced over to my side, staring intently at the building.

"Hold on a second - is that?" He squinted at the front door. I did so to.

"Connall?" We both whisper-asked at the same time. We looked at each other - what the hell was Connall doing in Mr. Havilliard's house? If he was in there, why were we wasting our time out here? Millions of questions flooded my mind. By the look in Rowan's eyes, his head was full of them to. 

"We should follow him." I said, getting ready to jump onto the next roof over. It was only about a metre away, I could easily make it.

"No, we shouldn't." Rowan grabbed my arm before I could start my run up, holding me in place. His grip was tight on my arm - his face stern.

"Why not?" I demanded.

"Look - Connall is close to Maeve. Really close. Not even Fenrys trusts him fully. If he was in there, Maeve sent him. We can't let him know we saw him. We are going to stay here and make sure no one else suspicious comes out of that building." Someone like Maeve, he silently added.

"But didn't he know we were up here tonight?" I tugged my arm out of his grip,  I have a feeling he let me.

"We may have conveniently left that out of the conversation. Connall can't be trusted. Not fully, anyway. You'll be wise to remember that." I huffed and leant over the edge of the roof, resting on the raised ledge.

"You could have told me this before we started actually doing anything. It would have been rather helpful then." He snarled and haced the house again. We didn't talk for the rest of the night. 


So... this story hit 900 reads. I never thought that'd happen. Thank you all so much for reading! I'm curious... would you want an acotar fic in the future? An AU or one set in the world of acotar. Or a crossover of both series. Let me know!

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