That's *my* sandwich, Aelin

893 34 13

Lysandra POV

"Hello?" I said into my phone. I had picked it up quickly, probably a little too quickly. It wasn't like I was hoping that he would call or anything. I had to get him out my head, but no matter what he's always lurking in the back of my mind.

"Hi, Lysandra. Can we talk?" Aedion said on the other side of the line.

"Sure. If I didn't want to talk I wouldn't have picked up." I took a bite out of the sandwich that made up most of my lunch. 

"I meant in person. Are you free?" 

"I'm in the canteen eating at our usual table."

"Is that a yes?" I rolled my eyes. He can quite dense sometimes. Quite a lot of the time.

"Yeah. Meet me here."

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec." He hung up, leaving me with a valuable minute to gather my thoughts and prepare myself for a one on one conversation with him. We never talk like this, just us two. Usually Elide or Aelin is in the room. Hell, I didn't speak to him at all until Aelin showed up. It's been a month since. With the amount of crap that's gone on, it feels more like a year. 

A month, and I've developed a stupid crush on my best friends stupid cousin. But he isn't stupid. He's rather intelligent, but lacks a bit of common sense. He's like Aelin, he acts before he thinks. Two sides of the same coin, those two.

Aedion strolled through the doors of the canteen and starts making his way towards me. He waves, and I wave back. Already my thoughts were falling apart. Pull yourself together, I scolded myself, it's just Aedion.

"What's so important that you had to tell me in person and not over the phone?" My mouth was speaking of it's own  accord. My head was too busy thinking about how his hair was tied back in a man bun. He never ties it back. But boy, he should do it more often. He looked amazing. Lysandra, no. No relationships remember? Not with the whole Clarisse thing, which he still doesn't know about.

"It's about Aelin." He said as he sat down. I got a better view of his face from this angle, him being sat directly opposite me. Those eyes, just magnificent. If you looked closely, you could see that the gold that ran around his pupil was slightly lighter than Aelin's. Just a fraction, yet to me it made his whole irises seem different.

"When isn't it?" I joked, my eyes drifting down to his sharp jawline. I caught myself and forced my eyes to meet his again. I fell into studying them, the different tones of the blue standing out against each other.

"I'm - I guess - I just - I'm worried about her. He sighed, and slouched, like a massive weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. I blinked slowly, taking in the information. The fact that he came to me to confide in-

"Me to." The words were out before I could stop them. Damn his stupid face for distracting me. Damn myself for being distracted. I couldn't lead him on, let him think that I wanted to be with him. The sad thing is that I do want to be with him, but if I have a relationship with him and serve Clarisse I would never be happy. What am I saying? He probably doesn't like me like that. Yeah, we made out at Fenrys' party, but we were drunk out of our minds.

"It's just - I mean I know she can protect herself - but I can't help but - I - I'm her older cousin Lys. I lost her once, I can't lose her again. And I know she has her reasons for doing this, but I can't help it. She could wind up in jail again, or worse. From what she's told us that Arobynn is a massive dick, but she's still working for him. Its... I know I shouldn't worry. But I can't help it." 

I was shocked when he told me all this. Again, the fact that he was telling me was making my heart pound. But as I focused on his words, I understood completely where he was coming from. I put my hand on top of his on the table, the touch sending sparks up my arm. But I ignored it, mostly, and spoke to him.

"I think it's good that you worry about her. I know if she finds out how much you - we - worry, she'll call us all overprotective bastards or arseholes, or whatever, but it shows you care. Before, she only had Sam to care about her. And she didn't even realised he cared until just before he died. But the fact that you feel like this just shows how much you love her. And I know if the roles were reversed, she'd feel exactly the same as yo do right now. For Aelin, family is everything. So don't be ashamed of worrying. It's natural. God only knows how much I worry when she's out doing whatever. Especially when she gets back late. Sometimes I worry that she's not going to come back." I have never told anyone else this. These dark thoughts that cloud my mind every damn time she decorates herselves with blades like they are jewellry. 

Aedion swallowed, and when I looked into beautiful eyes I knew he shared the sentiment. I knew he was glad that I understood. We stayed there, holding hands over the table, staring into each other's eyes for a while, until Aelin swaggered into the room. I cleared my throat and hastily took back my hands and busied themselves with my sandwich. Moment ruined. Aedion and came to a silent agreement we wouldn't tell anyone what we just said as Aelin sat down, rather ungracefully and plucked my sandwich out my hands and took a bite.

"So," she said with her mouth full, "what'd I miss?"


So, I was thinking of maybe starting an SJM one-shot book on here, filled with scenes that randomly come to me or that I see as prompts online and stuff. Would you guys want that? It'd be acotar and throne of glass. Let me know if that sounds good.

And I hope you enjoyed 1000 words of pretty much just Lysandra gushing over Aedion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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