I will always find you

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Elide POV

I looked in the mirror again. Tonight, I was going on a date with Lorcan. It's been exactly a year since we met. He said he was taking somewhere fancy, and to dress up. I was wearing a floor length black skirt with a red off the shoulder top. A knock sounded at my door as I was just finishing up my mascara.

"Come in!" I yelled, knowing that it was Lorcan. He was dressed up too, in a pristine white shirt and black dress pants.

"You look beautiful." He grinned when he saw me, and I felt my blood rush up into my cheeks.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I grabbed my handbag and put my phone in it, checking that my wallet was in there. Knowing Lorcan he would insist on paying, but I brought it anyway. I also made sure Lorcan's present was in there. It wasn't our anniversary anniversary, but I wanted to get him something all the same.We walked out of my room, arm in arm, towards his car.

"Do you want to know the best thing about this outfit?" I asked, smiling at him.

"How it somehow makes you look even more gorgeous than you normally do?"

"Nope. The fact that this long skirt hides my trainers." I lifted my skirt up to my ankles, showing him the shoes I was wearing. With my bad ankle, due to my uncle pushing me down the stairs and not letting me go to the hospital, I couldn't wear heels. Lorcan chuckled.

"So clever."

"I know right. But I do wish I could wear heels sometimes, even if it's just to be a bit taller."

"I like your height now. You're my little shortie."

"Excuse me, I am, in fact, average height. You are just humongously tall." We climbed into Lorcan's car, and I got my present for him out, "I know we said no presents, but I couldn't help getting you something." I handed it over to him, and he looked relieved.

"Oh thank God. Because I may or may not have gotten you a little something to. Open yours first." He placed a small box in my hands, and I smiled at the shoddy wrapping.  Wrapping presents has never been his strong suit. I opened the present up and opened the box, revaing a silver bracelet, with the words 'I will always find you're engraved on it.

"Oh my God Lorcan I love it." I gasped, and immediately put it on, "but it makes things a little awkward. Open yours." I handed him his present and watched his face as he opened it. He threw his head back and laughed, making me laugh to. I had gotten him a wallet with the exact same words engraved on it.

"I guess we know each other so well." I nudged him with his elbow and he started to drive off, taking me to where ever he planned. As he drove I stared out of the window, remembering what had happened to makes us pick that phrase in particular.


6 months ago

I was walking through a forest, lost in my thoughts. They drifted off to Lorcan. We had gotten into a fight the week before, and we had broken up because of it. I missed him. I really missed him. We had only been dating for two months, but I really liked him. I was distracted, and someone came and grabbed me from behind. I screamed and thrashed, to no avail.

"Shut up!" My attacker hissed in my ear. I thrashed again, and my hand connected with their face.

"Bitch!" They hissed and started to carry me off somewhere. I screamed, and someone called out my name.

"Elide?" It was Lorcan. "Elide!" He ran over to me, and hit my attacker. They dropped me, straight onto my bad ankle. Lorcan was hitting the guy who grabbed me. He knocked him out pretty quickly.

"Elide! Oh my God, can you walk? Are you okay?"

"My... my ankle." I panted. Worry was written all over his face.

"Okay. Okay. I'm gonna pick you up, okay? And then I'll carry you to a hospital." He gently scooped me up, making sure that I was comfortable.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter. You're safe now."

"But you won't always be there to save me."

"I will always find you. Always."


The present

"I'm paying." Lorcan said as we finished up dessert. He had brought me to this amazing restaurant, but it was very expensive. There was no way I was going to let him pay for it all.

"You always pay. It's my turn."

"It's special tonight. It's my treat." He insisted.

"Let's split it."

"No way. My treat." He stood up to go and pay the bill.

"God you're insufferable. I don't know why I love you." He stopped dead in his tracks, and I realised why.

"You - you love me?"

"I guess I do." I nodded, smiling from ear to ear, and he picked me up and spun me around.

"I love you to." He whispered into my ear, kissing my forehead, "now I have to go and pay for our meals."

We left the restaurant, and someone was looking at us. He was in his late thirties, and long-ish red hair. I felt Lorcan tense.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"That man's watching us."

"Do you know who he is?"

"Arobynn Hamel." Arobynn. I recognised that name. Arobynn Hamel. I said it over and over  again in my head, until it hit me.

"Aelin." I gasped.

"Aelin? What has Aelin got to do with Arobynn Hamel?"

"Keep your voice down!" I hissed at him. "And it's not my place to tell you."


"Not here. Not where anyone can hear us." We got into the car, and Arobynn was still looking at us. I'd have to tell Aelin immediately.

Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now