Dinner time small talk

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Aelin POV

Arobynn led me through the Keep, into the large dining room. Two places where set at the long table, one at the head and one on it's right. So, he still wanted me to be his right hand man. Typical.

"It's so good to see you again, Celeana. Last time I saw you you were rotting away in a prison cell." Arobynn said as he took his seat.

"Actually, it's Aelin now. However, I'm sure you already know that." He grinned, and I wanted to smack the grin straight off of his face. I willed my fists not to curl at my side. He took a seat and motioned for me to sit down, to.

"I have to say, the Keep seems rather empty tonight. Where on earth is everyone?" I asked, feigning sweetness. And interest. I knew I had to coax whatever he wanted out of him, I couldn't just demand it. He definitely had the upper hand in this situation. He had a large knife at his side and we were in his house, if I tried to take him on it would not end well for me.

"Oh here and there. Working on jobs, I presume, now that I don't give you all of the best ones." He poured himself some wine, and filled my cup up as well. I was not in the mood to drink.

"Well, I can't say I miss it." I stared straight at him, not breaking eye contact. He blinked, the only surprise he'd show that I was so bold. After all, he could kill me tonight and not lose anything. It's not like I was still his lackey.

"That's a shame, because I have a job for you to do." I froze, going deadly still. A job? But why would he want me to do a job for him? He still has plenty of assassins trained up, ready to go, and indebted to him, so why me? This couldn't be right. But why else would he want to meet with me?

"I'm not indebted to you anymore Arobynn. My services come with a price. A rather high one at that." I said, being careful with my words. Maybe if I gave him a high enough price he would refuse to pay me and I wouldn't do it. Who am I kidding, he'd put a knife to my throat and make me do the job for free.

"Oh, I have a payment I think you'll find suitable." He smirked, sending shivers down my spine. He had an evil glint in his eyes. This was definitely a part of some big plan I didn't know about. Otherwise why would he bring me in to do the job?

"I'm listening." I managed to keep my cool, but my head was racing. What payment? I highly doubt it would be money. And I know that he did not get me out of jail, so I definitely didn't owe him anything.

"I have a certain piece of information I know you would do anything to get your hands on."

"Oh really? And what would that piece of information be?" Information. Of course. He would never pay me with money, if he got his way. But I didn't intend for him to get his way tonight.

"When you do this job for me, and I have proof that you have done it, I will tell you who really killed Sam Cortland."


Rowan POV

Maeve watched us take our seats at her dining room table, keeping an eye on me and Lorcan especially. I still had no idea why she called us all here - she never has a formal dinner with us when she has a job for us. At the minute, Connall has been doing a lot of solo jobs for her - ones I can't to begin to comprehend. For her to host this, it must be something important.

"So Lorcan, I hear you have a fondness over a girl at school. Care to tell me more?" Shit. Maeve knows about Elide. But we all swore that we wouldn't tell Maeve about Elide - so how could she know? Lorcan tensed in his seat, and we all looked at him. Ever since he and Elide started dating he has been happier, a bit less moody, but that could all stop instantly. This was bad news.

"I'm dating someone, yes." He said through gritted teeth. I know he would never tell Maeve her name. He really does love her.

"Break up with them." Maeve commanded. Lorcan nodded his head, but hurt flashed across his eyes. He would be devastated. Elide would be devastated. Aelin would probably light him on fire. Manon and her thirteen would go after him, to. I could tell he was weighing up his options - but he had to. Otherwise Maeve would go after her, and there's no way he'd let that happen.

"Now then, I bet you are all wondering why I gathered you all here." Maeve said, acting like it was just someone's birthday or she was announcing she was pregnant or something. I tried to imagine Maeve as a mother - I'd pity the child. "I have a new job for you all. You will all be working together on this one - I believe it requires it. And you will be working with someone else, outside of your little group. One of my associates' best. The best in their business, I've heard. You will be meeting them later tonight."

"So what are we actually doing?" My head turned sharply to look at Fenrys. No one ever talked to Maeve like that. Ever. Especially not one of us. I could tell Fenrys was angry at something - he had to be to snap like that. But at what? At his brother? At Maeve? At someone else entirely? Maeve glared daggers at Fenrys, but didn't say anything. I wouldn't be surprised if by tomorrow Fenrys had a black eye.

"I have someone for you to kill." The worst kind of job. She has only made us kill for her once - and it is not something I was keen to go through again. She looked at our faces carefully, daring us to react. Daring us to speak against her, to refuse to do it.

"You have six weeks to kill the deputy head of Orynth Academy, Mr. Havilliard. In six weeks' time, I better have his head."



Her Name Was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (A ToG High School Au)Where stories live. Discover now