chapter 2

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I was trying to catch up to Luck, when I got there, I saw Luck on the brink of death. He was being held in his neck by a muscular guy, its not captain Yami, though he is muscular too.

"Luck!"I said while I quickly took my knife and  stab it against my palm making my blood flow. Then I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as the blood flowing were turning into a sharp sword. I charged against the enemy so fast that he can't react and sliced him in half. "Luck! Wake up! Wake up!". "Y/n....." "hang on luck, I'll treat you right away."

Luck POV

I was fighting that muscular guy, he was very strong, his control of magic is so amazing. Enough to make me quiver in fear, then he caught me by my neck, I thought that it was my end.
Until I heard someone shouting my name, "luck!" I looked at the direction and saw y/n "run y/n" I tried saying her, but was to weak to be heard.

I was surprised when she sliced that muscular guy in half in the blink of an eye, wow she's powerful, I said to myself. Then I blanked out.

Narrators POV

After luck had blanked out, y/n took him out of the dungeon and searched for a place to cure luck. Luckily she found an abandoned house in the middle of the forest, she laid luck in the bed and went out. She picked medicinal herbs that she saw awhile ago when she was searching for the house. She made luck drink her potion that cured lucks wounds. Tired from walking around the dungeon, y/n fell asleep beside luck.



I must have fallen asleep, "right, luck, I hope he's better now"

"what happened, where am I?"

"You're finally awake luck, good morning, does your body hurt anywhere?" "Don't worry I cured your wounds already, they're not that deep"

" oh, thanks y/n"

"No need to thank me, we're now in the same squad under the same captain, and basically you're my friend too" he looked shy after I said that, wow he's so cute. "Are you ok luck? Where are your smile? When I first met you I thought that you always want to fight, was it because of that muscular guy?"

Luck just nodded his head like a baby, wow so cute UwU It's my first time seeing luck look like that even if we just met yesterday. This is not right, I need to brighten up the atmosphere.

"Come on luck! Let's go finish the mission, don't need to worry, I'll protect you" I said while standing up. "If we don't complete this mission then I think that captain yami will kill us, and I'm too young to die, let's go"I pulled him out of the bed as I don't think he will get up by himself.

Narrators POV

Y/n and luck finally found the chest room and saw uncountable gold and other weird stuff, after finding it, they contacted finral with phone-like device to pick them up, and soon they will report to the magic knight headquarters.

       (Inside the black bulls hideout)


We just finished reporting to the magic knights headquarters as I saw magna and asta coming to our direction

"Yo luck! How is the dungeon, did you fight with someone strong? Hahaha" magna "Yo what's wrong luck? Are you feeling down? That's not a man, what happened?"

"When I am feeling down, I always think about sister lily maybe you should too luck" asta said while immersed in his dream of marrying sister lily

"Nothing" luck replied while still looking down.

"Ehhh, we'll get going magna, asta, it sure is tyring to go on a mission"

"Ok y/n senpai! We also need to report too" yah, maybe sometimes asta can be cute too.

I went straight to my room, after opening my door, I quickly layed on my bed. I wonder if luck's gonna be alright, maybe he needs time to get over what happened.

                      (Night time)

*knock knock*
"Hmmmmm" its the middle of the night who would ever knock in my door? I stand up walking to my door and opening it, to my surprise it was luck, "luck, its the middle of the night what can I help you?" I said tiringly I can't even open my eyes.

Luck walked in to my room sitting at the side of my bed. I closed the door and sit beside him.

"I'm sorry to wake you y/n, its just I can't sleep, and I'm having nightmares"

Ohhhh isn't he cute, he's like a child having nightmares. "Say it, I'll hear you"

"I was having nightmares of my mom, she's saying that I wasn't good enough then I saw that muscular guy, he was killing me, torturing me, and tearing me apart, I can't sleep on my own y/n. Can I.......... sleep here for the night?"

"If you're that scared then I guess you can sleep here for the night, but only one night"

"Thanks y/n"

Author: don't worry, the story doesn't end here.

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