'4 little cats' chapter 1

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Author: it's a yunoxrillxluckxlangrisxreader if you wish to see what will happen then read the story!


We were sent to an important mission with yuno, luck, captain rill and vice captain langris. We were supposed to be fighting the leader of the 'dark feline' when yuno, rill, luck, langris turned to cats.

        (Inside the wizard kings room)

"This is a very important mission, I'm counting on you 5 to do it" the wizard king said, we saluted to his words. We were chosen by the wizard king to capture the leader of the 'dark feline'. With the five of us, the wizard king expects victory on our return.


We were on our way to the hideout of the 'dark feline' when captain rill said to take a break. When he meant take a break, he meant that he just wanted to paint the beautiful sunset view. He was so focused and happy when painting, he even said that he wants me to be his model. We decided to make a camp and stay there for the night, because captain rill just loves it, and the night is near. We made a campfire and discussed what we should do for the ambush. We get along well, captain rill is bubbly and sometimes he can be clingy, luck is cheeky, yuno is gloomy, and langris is bossy. They all treat me well except for langris.

"Let's all go to sleep, we will travel tomorrow at 6"-langris

"Wait, there's only one tent" I said in a complaining tone


"I'm a girl, I can't sleep with boys"

"That's your problem"-langris


"Did you say something?"-langris

"No sir, goodnight" I said, smiling at the word 'goodnight'. Guess I'll just sleep outside.

The boys slept inside the tent and I slept outside, man its freezing out here. I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


I thought that I had a dream last night, I think I saw yuno covering me with blanket. But I guess its not dream after all, I mean when I woke up I have a blanket covering me.

"Lets go you lazy magic knights"-langris

What a good way to start the morning, vice captain langris sure do know how to make someones morning.

"Yuno, can I ask you something? Umm did you gave me this blanket?"
I asked while showing him the blanket.

He nodded as a sign of approval. "Make sure to wash it before returning"

"Oh um sure"he can be sweet sometimes, but you can never remove his coldness or maybe coolness.

And so went on our way.

       (Inside the base of the enemy)

We were now ambushing the enemy, vice captain langris went on ahead with captain rill to the core of their base where their leader is. "Come on luck! Yuno! This way!" In this situation, they have outnumbered us. Can we win? I'm starting to have doubts. This time I decided to do my secret attack only I know.

Ps: y/n is a supporting magic knight, she specializes in healing.

This attack involves no magic or mana, it only needs overwhelming concentration. Its what you call blood manipulation. You took your knife and stab it at your palm to let the blood out. You inhaled and exhaled concentrating in controlling your blood until it made a shape of a sword. You were used to this kind of things since you were a kid, after knowing that you received a healing magic grimoire you practiced blood manipulation to protect yourself. You charged at the enemy killing every single one of 'em. They were surprised to your actions, they only know that you can heal with your magic, who would've thought that you're secretly an assassin.

"Y/n, y/n, how did you do that? You should fight me sometime!"-luck

"Ehhh well then that should wait, we need to catch up to vice captain langris and captain rill first and aid them support." We headed where langris and rill went. We entered a room filled with cats and other cat-like things like statues and stuff, we also found vice captain langris and captain rill fighting the leader of the 'dark feline'. They seem to be in a bad shape. "Captains! Over here!" I waved at them telling them to let me heal them. But when they came closer, the enemy turned them into cats, she was holding a necklace that seem cursed. I remember it! Whoever touches the gem of the necklace will be turned into a cat. Its called 'eye of the cat'. "Yuno! Luck! Don't let her touch you". I spoke too late, they were already turned into cats.

                   End of flashback

She was now on my side, she was about to turn me into a cat too, I dodged her but she's too fast. I held up my sword and tried to slice her. Her speed is like the tigers, no, she's faster than a tiger. I tried to concentrate and read her movements. On my 3:30! I swing my sword and I got her! My bloody sword cut through her left arm, she was seriously injured. She took a step back, and one of her ally came, she went to her side, "we will meet again human, I'm not done with you".

"No! I won't let you get away!" They got away with spatial magic but luckily my blood was now on her sleeve. With my blood attached to her, I can know where she is, its like a detector.

Author: next chapter is guaranteed

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