raku x reader

408 14 3

I guess most of you would read because of luck right?

Again requests are still open, request if you like. I'm not very comfortable with lemon yet but I can try lime.

   Soooooo here's the oneshot(fluff)

I'm so exhausted after that mission, it took forever to kill that monster. Finral, charmy, gauche senpai and me were sent to kill a human eating monster near the village of phaste(random village name). Of course we defeated it, I mean WE ARE THE BLACK BULLS, we can finish any mission as long as we're together. We may be not perfect and so weird but that's what makes us special out of all the squad.

After defeating the human-eating monster, finral senpai teleported us to the base.

"We're finally back! Now I can cook all the yummy ingredients I have la! La la la la la" how can charmy senpai even have the energy to cook?!?!? And it seems like she didn't even break a sweat from the fight a while ago.

"I can now finally see marie. My goddess marie, wait for me" gauche senpai, yah he's beaten up but all he could think about is his little sister marie.

"I'm gonna take a  nap first and later I can be with the girls" finral senpai said with a matching glittery eyes. Wow these guys are impressively alive. I wish have their energy.

"Ughhh I'm so tired" I tried to sit on the nearest couch as my legs really ache. I could barely stand.

"Y/n! You're back! Want to fight? I have learned a new spell, want to try it first?" But out of all the members in the black bulls, He has an unlimited source of energy. Its luck, my boyfriend, he always likes to spar with me and train with me.

"Not now luck, I'm going to take a nap, or maybe sleep. I'm sore all over my body, maybe tomorrow you can show me your new spell. Right now, I'm just tired" I went to my room to rest.

Luck followed me to my room without saying anything and just smiling, when I opened the door I quickly lay down not bothering to close the door.

"Ehhhhh you're gonna sleep y/n chan?!?!?!"

I just gave him a nod and started to close my eyes.

He's just there, sitting, at the side of my bed.

              (Next day, morning)

I opened my eyes to see luck holding a tray of foods.

"Y/n chan, here have some breakfast"

"Thank you luck, did charmy senpai made these?"

"How rude, I made those just for you"

"Ehhh you made these?!?!? Since when did you learn how to cook?!?!?! Its so yummy! Thank you luck" I gave him a smile as a token of appreciation for his effort. He then blushed seeing my face.

"Nee nee y/n chan you're free today right?"

"Yup, I'm free today so you can show me your new spell as many as you like!"

"Mmmm no, I'm not gonna show you my new spell today"

"Ehhhh why??? I thought that you'd like me to see you're new spell"

"Today is special y/n chan, so finish your breakfast"

I finished my breakfast as I got ready cause luck told me to dress up today.

"I'm ready luck, where are we going?"

"You'll see" he went behind me and placed a blindfold so that I can't see.

"Luck, tell me where are we going"

"Mmm mmm no! I can't tell you"


We traveled for hours using our flying broom of course I'm sitting next to luck, I can't really ride a broom with a blindfold on.

"Here we are y/n chan you can now take off your blindfold"

As I take off my blindfold I can hear the waves splashing with the sand and birds as they chirped, the sound of the rustling coconut leaves. It is what I thought, we are in the beach.

"Surprise! Did you like it y/n?" He sound a little bit unsure if I like it and a little bit nervous.

"I love it luck! Thanks for taking me here" I placed a kiss on his forehead as we watched the sun set.

We held hands and laughed like there's no tomorrow. Of course we also cuddled, we cuddled all the time. He would always kiss me on my cheek impulsively which made me blush a little.

                 Ehhhhhh and end

Stay safe everyone, don't forget to wear masks.

Request if you like to, its still open.

Also should I continue the 4 little cats? I'm having troubles making the end.

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