chapter 3

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The warm ray of sun brushed against my face as I open my eyes, I saw luck still sleeping. His face faces mine, I layed a little while to stare at luck's cute face, he sleeps like a baby, with his two hands under his face and his legs bent. He sleeps so peacefully until someone knocked on the door

*knock knock*
"Y/n senpai, its time for breakfast!"

"I'll be right there asta, just a minute."
"Wake up luck, its time for breakfast" I said while shaking him to wake up.

"Mmmmm one second(yawn)" sheesh he needs to wake up now before anyone sees him come out of my room. What would they think about us.

"Mmmmm good morning y/n" he sure is still sleepy

"Good morning too luck, now let's go, breakfast is waiting for us. We don't want to get the food cold."

                 (After breakfast)

"Here is your hard work" captain yami said as he give us a bag with money, "today will be day off, so do whatever you like with your money"

"I'm gonna write a letter and send this money to sister lily and everyone back at the church" asta

"Time for more booze........" vanessa

"What do you think will marie like? Today is her birthday (nosebleed)" gauche

"Hey y/n want to go on a date with me? I heard that a new restaurant just opened up"

"Ehhh ummm no thanks finral senpai" I wonder how many girls does finral senpai have? nah it doesn't matter anyways. I took a glance at luck and to my surprise that he hasn't smiled not even once since our mission, I thought that he'll get back to the original luck, the smiling luck who always like to fight. I need to do something, to make him smile. "Luck, can you maybe, help me get familiar around the town, I haven't explored the town yet." I said while walking to him.

"Oh um sure y/n" he said while forcing a smile, but still can't maintain it. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to make luck smile or if I can, bring him back to the same old luck who always smile and picks a fight. That's it, that's my mission for today, make luck smile.


We were wondering around the town hoping to find something that can make luck smile.

We were walking around for hours now but nothing seems to make luck interested. He was walking looking down all the time and whenever I show him something he'll just put on his 'meh' face. I also lost track of the time, when I looked into my watch it was already 5:30pm. We need to go back to the base now. Ehhh where are we again??? "Uhhh we're lost, its all my fault, walking ahead without knowing where we are now, don't worry luck I will get us back".

"Oh um ok."

Then we started walking again until my feat sore from it, I need a break. No I can't have a break we're still lost.
Uhhhh fine, "luck let's sit over there, I'm sure you're tired too so let's rest for a while." I say down the bench and so did he. I looked at my watch again knowing that its already 6pm. "They might be worried about us, I'm sorry luck, because of me we are now lost."

"Don't worry y/n they'll find us"

"I sure hope so" I tried to look around and see if we crossed the streets already but it doesn't seem like it. I looked behind me and saw a golden sun setting behind the mountains "woww" it was breathtaking. "Come look luck, the sun is so beautiful ftom here." He turned his head toward the sun.

Luck POV

I turned my head around to see the sun y/n is talking about, it was pretty. Then I saw her staring at the sun so amazed. I felt my cheeks heat up. I tilt my head the other way when I saw her looking at me. Did she see that?

"Luck, did you just smile?"

"Smile? Why would I?" She's closing her face to mine. Which made my pinkish cheek turned to red, what's wrong with me? Why am I blushing?

"Oh come on, I saw it, you smiled luck. No need to be shy about it, its not like I haven't saw you smile haha"

"No I'm not smiling!" "And I'm not shy!" I turned my head in frustration. and as to my surprise our lips met, for a second I felt warm. After realizing, we quickly parted away from each other.


I was teasing luck, because I saw him smile and he still denies it.

"No I'm not smiling!" "And I'm not shy!" He said before turning hos head thay made our lips touch. I quickly parted from it and so did he. I looked at the other direction to where I can't see him and he can't see my face, because I'm blushing so much. This is it? My first kiss went to luck? I mean he's a good friend of mine but I wasn't expecting it. I need an ice breaker now. "Say, ummm luck, maybe we should get going, they might be worried at us."

"Mmm" luck said while nodding.

"Oy! Y/n! Luck! There you are, we've been looking at you, are you guys alright? Why do you look like tomato heads?"

"Its nothing finral senpai, sorry for making you worry."

"Come on now, captain yami might kill me too, if we come back late".

        (Back at the black bulls base)

"You're late! Do you really want me to kill you both? Huh?" Captain yami

"Sorry captain, we really got lost at the town"

"Sheesh do you really need a baby sitter? Who would ever be lost at a small town? Anyways lets all eat now, charmy."

"Yes la! We have pie and cake and bbq and drinks and many more la!"

I sitted down next to noelle where I'll be far from luck. Wait, why am I like this? Am I avoiding luck? Its not because of that kiss right? Gah I don't know, all I can think right now is luck, and luck and more luck.

Author: look forward to chapter 4

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