lu-langris x reader

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yayyyyy! finally, a request
requested by: RenaKun


"y/n would you do me the favor of giving these files to langris?"

"why of course captain, I was gonna go to him after this, then I shall go, oh! do you still have something you want me to do captain?"

"nothing y/n, now off you go"

I exited captain williams room and head on my way to langris. I missed him so much! if only he'd not been the vice captain of golden dawn then we could spend more time together.

on my way there, I saw yuno, klaus and mimosa "good afternoon klaus, mimosa and yuno" I greeted them with a smile.

"good afternoon too y/n san"-mimosa

"are those files for langris?"-klaus

"yep, captain ordered me to take it to him, and might as well stay a little while, he's been busy ever since the attack of the elves, not to mention he's been keeping an eye on his brother."

"are you guys still spending time together?"-klaus

"unfortunately no" I looked down as klaus senpai said those words, I've been spending time alone without my boyfriend langris, he doesn't even bother to look for me. I'm having doubts if he still love me anymore.

"cheer up y/n san, I'm sure he misses you as much as you do"-mimosa

"welp, there's only one way to find out! see you guys" I waved as I continue to head on to langris's room.

*knock knock*

"langris it's me, y/n!"

"come in!"






"woahhhhh that's a lot of work. captain told me to give this to you".

"put it right there".


after setting it down I watched behind him like a child on what was he doing.

"you may go now"-langris

ouch, that's cold, does he love me anymore? does he still care about me? I felt breathing kind of hard, I tried to stop my tears from falling down.

"NO, I'm staying, I'm gonna help you, I don't have anything to do and I.... miss you" I said, while voicing down to the last part.

langris POV

my eyes widen as she said those last words, 'I miss you' I turned my chair around so I can see her, her eyes look gloomy, I guess she really does miss me, I've been stressing around a lot and been worryimg about my brother who always picks on every girl he sees. sheesh what a troublesome brother.

"huh, so you miss me huh?"

she nodded her head still looking down

I patted my lap telling her to sit on it.

she seated on it, but her face is not changing at all, still gloomy, I know I need to do something. I can't put up my sarcastic look if she looks like that

"hey, I'm sorry, I've been stressing and working a lot. I'm sorry if I can't be with you. let me make it up to you please." I said while brushing her hair. she just nodded with the same face. 

"what'd you say if we go out tomorrow?"



"I said a want a hug, I want to cuddle" with a matching pouting face.

"I'm busy right now, I can't-"

"then I shall take my leave"she was about to leave and open the door when I stopped her, pinning her to the door. she really looked mad.

"woah woah, where are you going? I didn't say that we can't do it, it's just I'm busy right now so we can do it tomorrow-"

all of a sudden, she hugged me

"now, I want it right now" she looked really cute, and was about to cry, so I give in and took her to my bed


"you really are cute do you?"

"I am, so you're only gonna be mine, or else I'm gonna find another guy, might as well a bunch of guys"

an irk mark appeared on my head, as I was a little bit annoyed. She can't leave me, she's only mine.

I started to nibble on her ear.
"oh yeah? then I might as well ask my brother to find me a girl"

"then go ahead and find one, I'm gonna go on a dinner with yuno-kun"

sheesh what an egotistic girl, that's one of the things I liked about her, sometimes her pride is bigger than mine.

"oh yeah? then I'm gonna squish with hugs and kisses before that happens"

"hey *giggle* stop it hahahah, that's tickling me"


So glad I received a request, it's been so long T^T hope you like it.

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