cursed (luck x reader)

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weekends! yay! time to relax. this is no one's request but I just want to write this, I just got the idea from a writer too in wattpad. here it goes

"y/n chan! I missed you!" luck hugged me, it has been a year sincr we last saw each other, I just got back from ultime volcano where I nonstopped practice everyday with captain mereoleona, it was hell. being with captain mereoleona is already hell plus you gotta train on a hellish place. but it makes me hella strong.

"what would you say for a little fight y/n?"-luck

"I'm dead tired luck, I'm sorry. If you need me I'll just be on my room sleeping."

"but-I-we- we haven't fight for a year, we used to do it everyday with magna"-luck

y/n left and went to her room sleeping as soon as she touched her bed.

luck POV

"hey there luck, I saw y/n a while ago, have you seen her yet?"-vanessa

"yes I have" I sat down with vanessa, I poured myself a drink from vanessa.

"ughhh, why does it taste bad?" I drink her beer, it was my first time drinking it, and I know that I don't like it.

"what's the matter?"-vanessa

vanessa POV

"you don't look like yourself at all luck, is something bothering you?"

"its just that, I don't feel like y/n wnat me anymore, we used to fight with magna everyday then she just left without notice and now that she's back, she won't even fight with me anymore."-luck

"maybe she was just tired, she just came back from ultime volcano."

"then it means that she don't like me! she don't like me anymore, she don't wanna be friends with me anymore"-luck

"luck, its not what you think, she's just tired, so she needed a break"

luckjust drank more booze not listening to me, and I'm feeling that he needs to know his feelings for her.

                       (next day)

third person POV

*knock knock*

"la! its time to wake up! welcome home, I've prepared your favorite meals la!"-charmy

"goodmorning charmy senpai, I'll be there in 5 mins hahhhh"

I looked myself in the mirror and told myself that I am back home.

"ughhhhh I just got lost again, why does our base need to move places all the time?!?!"


"what? who's that? show yourself!" a ghostly voice called my name, and there can't be ny ghost in the morning, but I'm still scared.

I walked around with my hands ready to pull out my grimoire.  "EEEKKKKKK! what was that?!?!?!" I looked at the corner and I saw luck passed out, he smells booze all over, did he drink last night? but he doesn't drink booze.

"hey luck, can you stand up? I'm gonna have to take you to your room."

"y-y/n............ why don't you like me?"-luck

like? what does he mean by that? does he like me? the thought of it made me blush a little but I just shrugged it away.

"come on luck, time to go to your room, in one, two, three, hi-yaa!"

I guided luck to his room, I layed him in his bed.

"y/n............ don't......... you.... like me?"luck sleep talked.

li-like? what doea he mean by that? its not like I like him or anything, but I don't hate him either, i mean he is my friend might even be my bestfriend.

i just shrugged it off and let him sleep.

"y-y/n........ I....... think I........ like you" this time he was awake. I can even see his pinkish cheeks and his hands that hold mine.

"what's that luck? I can't hear you"

"I said I --------- you"


"I said wake up y/n"

I quickly woke up seeing my brother langris.

"you're gonna be late for school, how many hours did you sleep?!?! you seemed like you pulled an all nighter"

it was just a dream, I can never meet luck or touch him,

after all,

he's just a fiction.


like I said, just git the idea from reading wattpad books too. please don't go hating on me.

wait for new chapter cause I have a request.

and a sorry in advance because it'll take. while

keep safe

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