chapter 5

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Thank goodness I don't have any mission today. I went to the bakery we happened to pass yesterday to buy ingredients for the pie.

"Please come back!"

"If I have time, I'll come back!" I waved goodbye to the shop owner, wow he was surprisingly kind, he even taught me how to make a pie. The world isn't that bad after all.

                 (Black bulls kitchen)

"Alright! Time to make a pie!" It was an apple pie that luck likes, I heard it from charmy. Charmy also gave me permission to use her baking tools, now let's get started.

After mixing and measuring and slicing ingredients, I now need to bake the pie inside the oven. Oh I hope that I don't overbake it. After a while, the timer rang signalling me to take the pie out, Mmmm it smells delicious. There's no doubt that luck will like it. Uh I need to clean up now and deliver it to luck soon.

"Wow! Is that apple pie?"

"Don't touch it asta, it's not for you, if you want then I'll bake some for you other time."

"Really? Ok, by the way to whom it was for?"

"Its for luck, he seems depressed these days so I hope that this will cheer him up"


After cleaning up, I searched for luck inside the base but he was nowhere. Vanessa said that he went outside for a while. I decided then to take a bath first while waiting for his return.


Luck finally came back and I just finished my warm relaxing bath, I'm so excited to give my apple pie to luck, I knocked on his door hoping to find him there."Come in" I went  inside seeing him.

"Oh y/n do you need anything?"

"Oh I'm just here to give you these apple pie that I made, here for you" I said as I hand out a plate filled with the pie.

"Is this apple pie? Thanks y/n" I didn't know that he would be so happy, it caught me offguard that made me blush, ughh he's so cute how I wish he's always happy and smiling.

"Y/n? Are you alright? You're face is so red" he said as he held my cheek with his hand. "Oh I'm sorry!" He took his hand back as soon as he realized what he was doing. We were a blushing mess, we were like two riped tomatoes so red that it might pop up. I set my eyes on luck again as soon as he take a piece of the pie to try it out. He took a bite.

"How was it? Is it good?" I was impatient to hearing what does he think of it.

"Mmmm its good Y/n! Its so good you should try it out." He gave me his pie on his hand where he took a bite. Since he liked it so much I didn't hesitated to try it too and wonder what does it taste like.

"Its a little sweet and I can taste the apples"

"Mm! Its what I wanted, a little sweet but you can taste the apple, thanks y/n!" His smile, its what I wanted to see. To see him happy makes my heart melt. My hand then moved on its own. It held his face turning it to my direction. I went closer to see his smile, I was captivated by his smile. I need to his face more as I move closer. "Y-y/n?" I can that he was blushing which made him even more cute.

"Shhh I need to see your face" I said still captivated by his face. I back out when I realized what I was doing. "Oh um sorry luck, I didn' t mean too"

"Stupid y/n" he was looking down satring at the plate which is now empty.

"Luck?" I said worryingly. He then put his hand behind my neck. He pulled my neck closer to his face until our lips touched. It felt warm and tender. After a while we finally parted from each other, but I was needing more. So I put my arms around his and kissed him again this time I don't know what am I doing anymore, my tongue moved on its own. I can feel that he enjoyed it too, so he moved with me. We parted for a while for some air. "I-I...... love...mmm please smile luck"

He chuckled "I love you too y/n"

And then we continued and did the thing.


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