luck x reader

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Yayyyy!!! Another request! Sorry it took so long

Requested by: StellaSolaria3

"Y/n senpai, ummmm my magic wand broke off and I was hoping that you could buy me another one, is that fine? I mean after all I'm royalty. Hmph" noelle said as she flipped her hair and crossed her arms.

"So it broke off after all huh? No problem! I'll buy you another one, you seem to treasure it."

"Are you sure senpai?! Thanks!!!" Noelle hugged me with gratitude.

"Hmmmm you're going to the black market y/n chan?" He back hugged me.

"Yes luck, do you need anything?" I intertwined my fingers around his hand.

"A kiss!" I looked back at him seeing his finger pointing at his lips.

"Why do you need a kiss? You always kiss me on my cheeks"

"Ehhh but I want more love!!! (Pouting face) also I'll be coming with you, magna told me to buy something too" I blushed at his cute pouting face.

"Alright, alright, but you'll get your kiss after we get back. Let's go shall we?"

"Fine!" (Pouting face)

              (At the black market)

"Y/n chan!!! Look a this!!! Isn't it cute???" Luck points at a creepy figurine who holds his head in his arms.

"Stop it luck, we're here to buy things that we need" I said as I hold his hands and pulled him like a child who found a toy and was getting dragged by his mother.

"Hey y/n, I think I'm going over there" he points at a shop where they sell engine parts.

"Ok! I'll be right over here"
"Ouch I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean it"

"Wait, do I know you? You look familiar, have I known you before mister?" I said confused, he looked familiar to me like I've known him for years. I can't remember who he is, he seems so close to me. But I can't remember who.

"Y/n? Is-is that you? It's me! Ronald(don't know where that came from)"

"Wait, ronald??? Is that you??? You look, different! Where did you get that scar on your face? Also you've grown a lot of muscles. Long time no see! Oh how much I've missed you"

"I miss you too! Come here, give me a hug"

Y/n had a big brother once, he was older by a year. They were living separately as their parents were not close. When she was 10, she'd like to go out in the fields. That's where she met ronald. They would play around from 3pm to 6pm, running around, playing hide n seek. One day, her mother decided to let her meet her brother. The doors opened only to see ronald, it was then that she knew ronald was his brother. After the big revelation going on, she didn't had enough time to go out, and whenever she got out, ronald wasn't there. Days passed until it will be miracle if they show up in the exact same place and time.

"Ehhhhh who are you? And why are you hugging my y/n?"

"Oh luck, this is ronald, he's-"

"Ronald huh??? You want to die buddie?"

Ronald POV

A small blonde hair boy appeared and he was calling y/n his.

"Ronald huh??? You want to die buddy?" He said, looking at me with deadly eyes, he looks like he murdered a thousand magic knights. A chill went up my spine.

"Luck, stop it, he's actually my-"

"Wait y/n you're not getting rid of me are you? I mean I'm cuter than him and I'm-I-I love you y/n please don't get rid of me" he cried and wrapped his arms around y/n.

"What?!?!?! No!!! I'm not getting rid of you, I'm not cheating I love you luck, you know that, stop crying" y/n patted his hair and stroke his back.

"Are.....*hiccup* you.....*hiccup* sure???"he looked up to her with teary eyes and tears falling down his cheek

"Yes luck" she assured him and started wiping his tears away

"He must be your boyfriend huh y/n?"ronald

"Yes brother"

"Did you just say brother?"luck

"Yes, and I've been trying to tell you this whole time".

"Stupid Y/n, I'll make sure you don't walk tomorrow" luck said pouting in a small tone of voice. Y/n blushed at his statement. And I just put my hand on the back of my neck.


Author: you know what he probably means by that

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