yummy x reader partu 1

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So my friend requested this, since she watched black clover already I'll do her a favor

btw, you're gonna have to age up on this one.


Y/n L/n. the new 10th squad captain of the S/n(squad name). She made it to her position by helping the people of the clover kingdom after the attack of the eye of the midnight sun. Not just regular help, she made her own group without any official saying from the wizard king or the king of the clover kingdom. In less than 1 month, the structures, mindset, and spirit of the people were back to the normal. They restored everything from before the attack. The wizard king made her so called 'group' into an official magic knights squad.

"As you can see, we have our new squad captain from the normal realm who helped us so much for restoring the peace in the kingdom. This is Y/n L/n."-wizard king

a meeting was held for her, to let the other captains be fond of her.

"hello I'm Y/n I might not be a royal and have powerful magic, but as a citizen of this kingdom, and as the 10th captain squad of the magic knights, I will fulfill my duty and protect the citizens of this kingdom."

"that's some formal speech."-yami

"thank you, my fellow captain?"-y/n

"yami, yami sukehiro"-yami

"Now for the meeting. We have confirmed that the spade kingdom has been spying and camping around the borders of our kingdom, and also the heart kingdom. There were some reports saying that they attacked the villages in the forbidden realm. As for this mission, I'd like to send our new squad since they mostly know the terrain and mostly more closer to the hearts of the citizens since they helped them. I would also like another squad to support them because they might be a fight, are there any squad who is willing to take the mission?"-julius

"I'm deeply sorry lord julius but my squad is busy as it is."-william

all the squad captains were busy so as well their squad members.

the squad who doesn't seem to be busy at that time was the black bulls.

" so yami, I'd like you to assist y/n to the forbidden realm and to the heart kingdom since you and your squad members had been there. I'm allowing you to bring one more person from your squad to help. That's all, dismissed"-julius

"Let me go fetch my ride(probably finral, poor him) let's meet at the town at 3pm later, get ready for the mission"-yami

"I'll make sure not to fail my first mission, then see you"-y/n

*charlotte on the inside 'wait what what what?!?!?! that new captain is going with a mission with yami?!?!?!?! a special mission, with her and YAMIII?!?!?!?!?! no no no........ thie can't be, calm down charlotte calm down charlotte'

"hey you okay nee-san?!?!?!"-sol

"I told you call me captain"-charlotte

                    (meet up place)

"oiiii it seems that you were late"-yami

"what are you talking about? its still 2:52pm how can I be late?!?!?!"-y/n

"well first of all, I've been waiting here for a while"-yami

"whattttt?!?!?! its because you came early, and now you're saying that I'm late?!?!?! grrrrr"-y/n


oh...... how cute when she's annoyed.

"come on now, this is no time for arguing, OI finral take us there"-yami

"just when I'd thought about having a mixer, uhhhh No No finral, I need to break this curse"-finral


finral opened a portal connecting to the border of clover kingdom where the reports came from.

When they stepped out of the portal they saw a village with no sign of life.

I'll probably make a part 2 of it because.................................................................................................................................. IDK

Part 2 will be charmy cooking captain yami and eating him along with her sheep cooks

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