langris x reader partu 1

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Gomenna minna, I just wanted to write this one after the latest episode. wahhhhhhh Langris looks so charming.

this will be when he traveled and meet y/n

I'm y/n, I don't really have a home since the eye of the midnight sun attacked and killed my parents. We were a happy family in the normal realm, my parents raised me so well that even when they died, I still continued to live the rest of my days happily. I would wander and travel from village to village,  I have made lots of friends. I also tried my best to be stronger so that I can protect people that I love other than my parents who already passed away.

one day I heard loud noises in the forest, I quickly went to where it was. I saw a boy fighting a herd of lavlions(lavalions hehe) they are like lions with lavas covering their body. the boy was ganged up by the lavlions, and I decided to help him.

"need a help, little boy?" I jumped down the branch of the tree, beside him.

"who are you.... hah.....hah....."

"I'll finish this, get some rest and get an air, you pant so much"-y/n


"hey little kitties how are you, you missed me? come here you little goochie goo"-y/n

fortunately, you've been wandering the forest so long that you actually became friends with the animals and beasts there, feels like a reunion with the lavlions

"What the.......... who are you?!?!?!?!?!?!?????? how can you do that"

"these are my lavlions, starting from the right, thomas, edward, sam, and brass."

"who the hell keeps lavlions as their pets?!?!?!"

"ummmmm me? by the way who are you? why are you here alone?"-y/n

"it doesn't matter if you know my name, I should get going, bye"

"a welcome would be much appreciated!"-y/n

the cold man just walked away like nothing happened, what a rude man, not even a single thank you. I move on too and went to my tree house which I made, and acts like my house even if I spend most of my days traveling and going in and out of villages.

"what a long day of walking, I'm so tired."-y/n

as soon as I lay down, I quickly fell asleep.

                     (night time)

"wahhhh, oh no, it looks like I slept too much, nevermind, I'll just sleep again"


"what's that? who's there?"-y/n

I went down the treehouse to see who it was, and it was HIM.

I carried him inside and saw a lot of wounds and cut from his body. it can't be my lavlions, he would burn if it was them. I started curing his wounds as he was unconscious.

                   (next morning)

"ohayou gozaimasu mr. I don't who's name cause he didn't told me."-y/n

"you again? ahhhhhh*in pain* why am I here? where am I?"

"you're here cause I'm about to torture you with pleasure, just joking. saw you wounded so I treated you *cold and straight voice* any complaints?"-y/n


"I'm not sure I know that language, but can you translate it?"-y/n

"I said my name is langris"-langris

what the......... no I can't stand this guy  y/n said to herself.

"ok............ then nice to meet you, I'm y/n"-y/n


"what was that?!?!?!"-y/n

"sh*t he found me"-langris

"what?!?! by who?!?!?!"-y/n

"ME, hahahahaha you think you can run away langris vaude??? this time I won't let you get away. DIE!!!"-mysterious villain guy

he launched a sword attack at the injured langris and I stopped it with my sword.


the mysterious villain guy, jumped back as he was terrified by my bloodthirsty look. his hands were shaking. I took this opportunity to come close to him and cut of his head but as I got closer, he already died.

"thanks for being a decoy y/n"-langris

"WTF I was just about to kill him"-y/n

"he's my problem, and I should end him as well."-langris

"well that's true but........ fine, it would have been more messy if his blood were to spill in my floor"-y/n


"by the way, why is he looking for you?"-y/n

"he's a citizen of the spade kingdom, maybe someone sent him to assassinate me"-langris

"and? why are you here in the forest? where's your family?"-y/n

I would end it here for now, I'm tired. so many modules and assignments. I wish I have langris as my boyfriend, it would have been better with him around👉👈

hey, there's part 2, and I have no idea what should I write for the part 2 of yummy x reader.

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