william x reader

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You guys really are simping over william vangeance

requested by: MinakoArisato04

"william vangeance, as for your punishment of hiding an elf inside you, you must gain the trust of the star kingdom. we will need their power to defeat the demon."-wizard king

"I appreciate your kindness lord wizard king, I should be dead by now for betraying the kingdom. I shall do as you wish".

"be careful, she's not an ordinary queen"wizard king said with a serius face.

star kingdom is an island south of clover kinhdom, it is well known for their unique magic attributes and almost 5% of them are peasant, they have the lowest percentage of peasant over the 5 kingdom. they are most probably known for their equality. men and women are almost the same. what men can do, women can do. what women can do, men can do. all of the people there are hardworkers. they use physical strength to do labor which makes them stronger both in physical and magical. but the most well known all over star kingdom, is their queen.

captain william have just arrived at the star kingdom. it was beautiful, trees were the greenest pigment, flowers you can smell so fragrant. people greeting you with smile. everything just seems so perfect.

someone went to me "hi my name is kristofer(random name), you must be william vangeance of the clover kingdom?"

"oh um, yes, I am william vangeance, I am looking for the queen".

"great, then let me lead you"-kristofer

kristofer led william to the castle

"first things first, if you want to speak with the queen, mind what you say, and sometimes do not mind it."-kristofer

wait what? what did he say? it doesn't make a sense.

"here we are"-kristofer

he opened the door, what lies behind it was a perfect room. and sitting on the middle is the QUEEN.

she was................................................................................................

not perfect but she's cute, she's a little full and smol but she looks cute. her hair was down, black and brown on the ends. and a squishy cheeks, she was perfect for william's eyes.

she's sitting on her throne, looking at her foot swinging it back to back.

"welcome to star kingdom mr. william, my name is y/n"

"it's my pleasure to be here, my queen"-william

"let's get down to business shall we? so why do you need our help and how does it benefit us?"

"first of all, we'd be more than happy to know that you will help us, second, there's a powerful demon existing and its allied with the spade kingdom, if it were to attack you're kingdom, you'll lose everything. however, if you lend us your strength, we might be able to defeat it together. I mean with your help my queen."

"hmmmmm no thanks, I deny your offer"

"please, queen y/n we really need your help."-william

"alright fine I'll think it over, for now you can stay at our guest room"

"thank you my queen"

kristofer led william to the guest room where he was supposed to rest.

*knock knock*

"mr william vangeance may I come in?"................."mr william? pardon me, I'm gonna let myself in"-y/n

"ohhhhh it seems mr william is asleep, I should just come back later"

william vangeance heard the queen y/n's voice, it woke him up. he grabbed her hand to keep her from getting away.

"I-I'm sorry my queen, it seems that I have fallen slumber, is there something you need to tell me?"-william

"well actually I was just gonna say that I decided to help the clover kingdom, in one condition, I will not accept any help or donation from the kingdom after the war, but instead I want to be friends with the kingdom." Y/n said, while sitting down beside william in the bed.

"tha-that's amazing queen y/n! thank you! thank you very much!" william out of happiness hugged y/n.

"I-I'm sorry my queen, its just that, I'm so happy that you, well, I mean the star kingdom will help us"-william

"well then I'll be going, I still need to keep my kingdom safe and announce the upcoming alliance".

"wait my queen, I was thinking of buying you a dinner, just a little appreciation thanks for making the alliance, will you go with me?"-william

"sounds good to me, see you then"

"mr william vangeance, you do know that I always eat the food of my castle chef right?" y/n said sitting down the long table she has inside the castle.

"I'm aware my queen, and please do just call me william from now on. I actually asked the chef if I can borrow the kitchen, so I hope you like the dishes."

"wow, I'm flattered mr- I mean william, didn't know that the captain of the golden dawn can cook"

           (after eating the dishes)

"say william, would you like to be my personal chef cause all of the food that you made certainly was delicious"

"haha thank you my queen, I'm very much grateful"-william

"now now, just call me y/n, we aren't really far from age."

*awkward silence*

"y/n, from the moment I first saw you, I really thought that I saw my future, a beautiful lady was in front of me. it was love at first sight, and now I want you to know y/n my feelings for you, you don't need to answer me right away, I just want you to acknowledge me as a lover, or maybe even just a friend. but please do know that I like you, and soon, I will grow to love you"


sorry if I updated kind of late, I was doing my assignments and stuff. online class is hard. good thing I git the time to make and finish this. so sorry again for making it late.

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