"prank" zora x reader

507 18 17

requested by: Echofrost5

sorry it took quite long, been busy with online class. I also kind of deleted the chapter where it was requested good thing I took a screenshot of it.

"ewwwwwwww zora get it away from me!!!" I shouted as loud as I can while running away from zora whose holding a stinky bug.

"smell it y/n, it smells amazing!!! I know you like bugssss"-zora


"can we keep it y/n?"-zora


"get it away!"

"yow kids, stop running around the base! unless you want me to rip your skulls in half" captain yami said while smashing the wall of the base.

"We're sorry captain" we both said.

zora then took the opportunity to insert the bug to my nose.

"....................ZORAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll make sure to kill you"

"HaHAhAhaHahAHahA, you should have seen the look in your face. you are so hilarious!!!" zora said while holding his stomach and rolling on the ground laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"YOU KIDS, who brought that stinky bug here?!?!?! it smells like POOP(hahahah atleast poop is better than sh*t) here. go fetch some air freshner or something. I'll kill you both if I still smell that."-captain yami.

"yes captain" I said with an irritated tone. 'cause I'll make sure to make zora pay double the price.

"shall we go y/n?"zora took out his hand.

I took out his hand. I suddenly got shocked from touching it. it turns out he's got a electric shocker in his hand. he laughed again like a maniac after I fell for his prank.


y/n and zora went to the market to buy some air freshner. turns out there was a lot of variety of them.

"so....... which one do you think will captain yami will like? lemons((๏_๏)) or summer breeze?"

"I think he likes stinky bugs! hahahaha"-zora

"yeah, yeah, you got me good"

"maam I'll take this one"

"thank you! have a good day maam!" we went out the store hoping to find and buy something interesting in the market.

after minutes of walking, I saw a can, a can of silly string.

yeah it sounds dumb but that's the silliest thing I can find.(just pretend that it exist)

I quickly bought 5 cans while zora was looking away, still don't know where to use it though.

we head back to the base where the members are out training. so the whole base only consists of me and zora, and henry, lol.

As I was spraying the air freshner, a thought came up my mind. good thing zora was probably out or sleeping in his room. IDK exactly.

I quickly finished my task and started making my revenge.


"where did you went?"


"ok......." something's different, what happened? he doesn't look like his usual self. what I mean is that, his smile on his face has been robbed. he looks serious. he looks tired.

will I still pull out my prank?

or is he just trying to prank me right now by pretending to be serious.

I let my thoughts consumed me, I didn't realized that zora has passed me already. he was about to eat the ramen that I've prepared for me.

in the last second,

I felt guilty.

Zora ate the ramen made of silly string with spilled milk that has food color to look orange. oh no........ I didn't warned him in time.

I felt like this wasn't the time to prank him. but he already took a bite.

"y/n...... I don't feel so good.......... what.... did.... you.... put here?"-zora

"zora are you all right? look I was just trying to get back on y-"

"you...... poisoned.... m-"he bump his head on the table. losing consciousness.

"zora? zora wake up?!?!?! I didn't think it like that. I just thought that you're gonna have an upset stomach. Zora stop pranking me this isn't funny. Zora wake up!!!" I shaked his body uncontrollably, hoping for him to wake up. tears rolled down my eyes as I say that it's just a prank and nothing more.

"y/n?!?!?! what happened to zora?"-finral

"finral senpai please help me, take zora to the doctor."

"alright, but you guys will need to report to captain yami after this"

finral took us to doctor owen.

"doctor how is he? how is zora?"

"I'm sorry but, he has been poisoned. there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry y/n"-owen

tears started flowing again through my eyes. this time I know that its for sure.

"pffffttttt HAHAHAHAHAHA you look ugly when you cry!!!"-zora

"ZORA?!?!?!?!?!!!?! b-but how?!?!?! doctor owen said you're dead."

"I'm sorry y/n but itsjust a set up, a prank. zora promised me to find beautiful girls if I helped him"-finral

"then you too doctor owen?!?!?!"

"I'm afraid yes y/n"-owen

"Awwwwwww are you mad y/n?!?!?! don't worry I have a present for you" he put a stinky bug into my nose AGAIN!!!


"why are you laughing? we pranked you y/n"-zora

"yeah but, still this is better than you dying on me" I smiled sweetly to him. from now on I guess I'll let him prank me whenever he wants, I'll just make sure to protect him.



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