'4 little cats' chapter 2

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"Now what should I do with these little kittens! You guys are so cute! You really look like cats! Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you little boos" captain rill, vice captain langris, luck, and yuno turned to adorable little cats. I can determine which of them is which by their color, rill is light blue like his hair, yuno is black, luck is blonde, and langris is brown. "Can you guys understand me by the way? Can you even use magic? How am I supposed to defeat her Without your help. Oh no, I'm in big trouble" I cupped my face realizing that if I don't turn them back to normal then how am I suppose to defeat the leader of the 'dark feline' and if I don't defeat the leader of the 'dark feline' then how am I suppose to bring them back.

"We need to get out of here first, and find a place to stay, its already night"

I picked them all up in my arms, while finding our way out. We wandered in the forest and found a remote cave no one seems to be living there. We went inside as the rain started to pour. "Here you go" I layed them down beside a rock "its cold" I covered my shoulder, I need to warm ourself up and I'm really hungry. I need to find them food too. "Stay here little kittens, I'm going to find food and sticks to warm ourself up" I took my cloak off and used it as a blanket to keep them warm. Then I went out to find food and sticks.

The rain started pouring hard, I need to get back as soon as possible, but thinking about it you don't know if these will be enough for you and the kittens. You have 3 apples and a handful of sticks, those sticks will not be enough to make a fire. So you stayed longer finding sticks even if you're drenched in the rain. A while later you finally went back. You have now enough sticks to make a fire. When you arrived you saw the kittens peacefully sleeping. So you decided to make the fire and keep them warm. You held them and wrapped against your arm which made you very confortable and warm and you sleep your problems away.


You woke up feeling like something is missing, then you realized that the kittens are nowhere to be found. You started finding them and calling out their names "yuno! Luck! Rill! Langris! Where are you?!" You didn't found them in the cave so you decided to go out. And there you saw pawprints of four kittens each heading in different directions. Good thing it rained last night that made the soil soften and pawprints visible. You followed to where the prints go, until you end up in a river, there you saw the four kittens trying to hunt fishes. You chuckled while looking at them trying to catch fish. Then you looked for a long stick and used the thread of your clothe to make a fishing rod. You sat down beside the river patiently waiting for a fish.

You catched 5 fishes which is enough for you all, you decided to go back and cook the fish. It was noon. After eating, the kittens took a nap. "If I need to defeat her, then I need to be strong". Days passed and your routine would be practice and hunt food, sometimes you would cuddle with the kittens. You didn't found out anything about the kittens and how to bring them back to normal. Your blood manipulation seems to be working now and found out about where they were hiding, in a mountain not too far away from here. You packed your things and stored food and continued the mission. You traveled with the kittens toward the mountain where the 'dark feline' is.

                        (Night time)

You stopped in a big tree as you were tired and exhausted from all the walking. And now you were about to sleep with the kittens when you realized that one of them is missing. You ought to find him. You stopped seeing a beautiful full moon. Then you saw him, sitting in a rock near a cliff. "Here you are langris, hey I'm sorry about what happened."

Author: ooohh what could have happened? Sorry if this is a little short.

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