Chapter 4

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After eating, we showed our hidden talents and secrets to each other, it was a fun night, but I can't enjoy it, like others do. Whenever my eye catches the sight of luck, I'll quickly remember our kiss under the golden setting sun. Sometimes I'd catch luck looking into me or maybe I'm just imagining stuff.

"That's enough for today, get some rest and don't forget to clean up, I'm going to my room now." Captain yami

"Aye aye captain" everyone said

We started to clean up, until only me and luck were left. The atmosphere was so tensed that none of us can even say a word. We just cleaned like we're strangers, not even a single 'hi' were heard or a hum, not a single noise was made. This time I didn't had the courage to break the ice, I just did what I was doing.

"Its already late y/n, you should go to sleep, I'll clean what's left, after all I'm almost done."

"Are you sure you're ok by yourself? I can still clean if you want to."

"No need, I can do it."


I'm very sleepy and tired so I went to my room already to sleep.

Luck POV

I'm all by myself cleaning the mess we had after the party. I let y/n go on ahead since I need time to be alone. I still can't get our kiss out of my head, I'm nervous I can't think straight. Anyways, I need to finish cleaning it's already 2:30 in the morning. I need to finish soon. While cleaning I think I saw something at the edge of my eye, when I turned to look at it, it looked like someone, someone that looks familiar but I can't really remember who. I thought that I was dreaming so I brushed my eye and the silhouette is still there, I thought hard to remember who it was, just to remember that it was my mothers silhouette, "mom! Is that you mom?" I called it, but it didn't say anything in reply. It walked away through the door, I followed it outside and there I can't find her. "Mom where are you? Don't leave me". She just disappeared like a bubble with no trace left. Then the dark blue sky turned black all of a sudden and the moon was covered by the clouds. Then I heard something, "luck....." it gave me chills, the wind blew cold and the trees are rustling. I felt something touch my shoulder, I turned my head to see what it was. It was my mother. "Luck! You promised me! You promised that you wouldn't lost in a fight, and now you've broken your promise. You shall die!" She was holding a kitchen knife covered in blood, her eyes were dark filled with intention to kill. I got down on the floor crying for her not to kill me. "I'm sorry! I lost! Mom please don't kill me!" Crying, while begging for her not to kill me.

"Luck! Wake up!"

"Huh? Whose voice was it?"

"Luck wake up!"

I opened my eyes, it was y/n, I'm so confused at the moment. "Where am I? Where's mom?" I said searching for her around the room.

"I think you might be having a nightmare, you were shouting while sleeping, what exactly happened?"

"It can't be, I was just cleaning then I saw mom then I went outside and she-"

"Look luck, after I went to my room after you told me to go on ahead, I went to the cr, and since I can't find it I got lost, then I saw you at the living room sleeping at the table so I brought you to my room. Then I hear you screaming and shouting, so I woke you up and found out that you were having nightmares."

"But, mom, was it really just a nightmare?"

"Probably, and maybe because of all the stress you were having these days, look if you need someone to talk yo I'm just here to listen."

"Thanks" Maybe y/n is right, after all the stress I'm receiving these days maybe it was the cause of my nightmare, after all, my mom is already dead she can't come back alive anymore. Wait isn't this y/n room? I got up ready to leave, "y/n umm thanks for today, I'll be going now, bye". I opened the door and saw magna.

"Luck? Wait, isn't that y/n room?"

I don't know why but I feel guilty to be seen by magna in y/n room. I'm nervous.

"Oy luck! I thought that we were going to have girlfriend at the same time, and worst of all it has to be y/n."

"No it's not like that!" Ehh why am I blushing??? Its not like that, we didn't do anything, but why do I feel so guilty. Wait she didn't do anything to me right? Stop thinking! It'll only get worse thinking.

I rushed my way outside running down the hall and trying to forget what I'm thinking about. Soon I reached my room, I went inside and closed the door. I sat down in my bed and tried to calm down.


Luck run away as if something was wrong, it was definitely wrong, I mean why would he run away?

"What happened to him?" Magna asked

"Don't know too, he's been weird these days" magna waved goodbye as he went on ahead to wherever he was going. I hope luck to feel better. I know! I'll make him a pie, I heard that its one of his favorites. Alright, I hope I don't have a mission today, I also passed a bakery shop when we were walking around the town. I could get the ingredients there and I can maybe ask charmy to lend me materials. All right! My mission today is to bake luck a cake.

Author: I'll be baking chapter 5

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