borthday AU

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I was supposed to make a birthday special chapter since I just aged again, but schoolworks are getting in my way, I'm sorry I'm 2 days late.

it's my birthday! I took my phone and check on it, there was no notifications. I sat up and stretched my arms half awake. I took a bath and get ready for my online class. I always make sure that I'm not late so I set my alarm 1 and a half hours earlier. After getting dressed and tying my hair, I received a message from vanessa.

are you awake y/n? come on wake up, I still have to say you a happy birthday-vanessa

I'm awake vanessa-y/n

happy birthday girl!-vanessa

thank you vanessa san! -y/n

I looked at the clock and its 5 minutes before the respective time. I joined the zoom meeting and waited for my teacher.

     (you finished all your classes)

"uhhhhhhhhh so many assignments, I need a solid 1 year break." its already 6:47pm and you're still doing your assignments. you received a lot of notifications coming from your facenote(facebook) wishing you a happy birthday.

hours passed and you were still working on your assignment.

then for the last you received a NOTIFICATION!!! GRRRR SO MANY, it was from luck, you checked it out.

happy birthday y/n chan!!! I miss you!!! I really really miss you, when are you coming over? I want to spar with you already, I've already watched on how to counter your flying kick. Can't wait to try it with you. y/n channnnnnn can you come over? I know there's this virus everywhere, but without you, its like having a virus also, I need you. I love you, I need you, I want you, be mine only, never talk with finral again or else I'll kill him. always take care y/n chan, don't forget to drink water and vitamins everyday. YOU'RE ONLY MINE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!'s so sweet of him(♡.♡) when I looked at the time he send it it was exactly like my birthday. 8:25, august 25, did he really did that on purpose or was it just an coincidence??? I replied to him

chill down luck, I'm only yours, and thanks for wishing me a happy birthday-y/n

anything for you y/n chan........ neeeee can you come over? I really miss you-luck

hahahah, I miss you too luck, but you know that I can't come over-y/n

when this virus ends, I'll take you on a date right away, I promise-luck

you're so sweet luck, I'll be waiting for that day then. I LOVE YOU-y/n


So....... that's it, it was kinda based on myself, except I'm single and unfortunately I don't know how to chat luck T^T. it was based off of my friends, I really love them.

Always love your friends and happy birthday to those who have birthday today, I don't know if there is any.

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