celebrant luck x reader

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you were cuddling with luck, your boyfriend, in the couch. Then you remembered something, tomorrow is luck's birthday (his birthday is actually on october 11) you continued to cuddle with him while making your plan to make him a gift since you like making them yourself thinking that it makes them more valuble and more like from the heart.

" nee nee y/n chan let's fight, whoever loses will have to obey the winner."

"that again? you really are cheeky luck, saying all that but you really wanted to take control over me again. sorry but it won't work the second time".

"awwwww but it seems like you really enjoyed it, right y/n?" he leans to my ear with a sarcastic tone, it made me shiver as his breath was just so sexy. stay together y/n, you can survive from his temptations.

"unfortunately I cannot fight with you today luck, I have some other plans today" you said while crossing your arms and closing your eyes trying to not give in from his flirt.

"you're not gonna see some guy are you?" he said, smiling, but you know that his smile meant violent, he's ready to kill, just because of that thought.

"what?!?! no no!!! impossible" shaking your hands signalling as disagree. "how can I be possibly date other guys who aren't named 'luck', you're my only love luck, no need to get worked up by those idiots who is literally inferior than you" I hugged him reassuring that he is the only one I love. he hugged back and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"I love you y/n chan"

"I love you too"

                        THE END

just joking..........

"hey would you mind doing all that lovey stuff outside?"

"captain I- ummmm....... We- do you need something captain?" we broke apart from our hug as captain yami approached us and is now at our front using cigarettes or tobacco IDK.

"yes, you have a mission Y/n. my minion will take you there(basically finral, poor finral T^T) return before night comes"

"eh-eh?!?!?! a mission for me?!"

"ooh ooh captain yami can I come with y/n chan?!?!"

"you can't kiddo, she was asked for the mission alone"

"huh? I was asked? by whom?"

"the hell I know, now get going, and return before night"

"wai-wait captain I actually have something to d-" with that captain yami pushed you inside the portal which finral created and throwing a magic broom too.

"o-oww some captain he is, he didn't even told me what the mission was about" I rubbed my leg as it was a little bit painful, like who wouldn't get hurt by being thrown, captain yamis body build is just so strong .

"u-ummmmmm are you a magic knight from the black bulls?" I looked up to see a 6 year old girl with princess like dress and maids beside her. she was so pretty that I didn't notice that my mouth was wide open.

"y-yes! I'm y/n from the black bulls"

"really?!?!?! then please come with me!"

she looked surprized as she took my hand and led me inside the mansion. from diamond chandeliers to golden rugs everything inside the house was expensive, this must be royalty at its finest. it makes me think that only touching one of the vases would cost me a lifetime of money. we went up the stairs, the stairs were so polished that it burns my eyes. at the hallway there were so many beautiful paintings hanging one of them I think was made by captain rill from the 'aqua deer'. while looking at all these paintings I didn't realize that we're in a room already

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