william vangeance x reader

799 28 16

Requested by: Animetye-23

"Hey y/n! Captain is looking for you, seems like you've made another trouble" vice-captain langris said while smirking. Seriously, he always teases me everytime. I can't help it though, I'm some mage who can't even control my powers. So much for this rare dark magic if I can't even control it.

I sighed as I make my way to the captains room.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

"You asked for my presence captain? Do you need me for some reason?"

"Technically, yes. You are assigned by the wizard king on a special mission with me"

"Me? On a mission with you? Captain? I-I'm assigned by the wizard king?" Wow I feel so happy to be working with captain vangeance himself, and we're assigned by the wizard king. I mean the WIZARD KING! The most powerful mage in the clover kingdom.

"Haha, you seem surprised by it, well then the mission will start tomorrow morning, so you should get some rest right now"

"Wait captain, can you tell me why I have been picked by the wizard king on this special mission with you? I mean you know that I can't control my powers well and if I do, its so destructive that I might kill the people around me." I frown at my words. Thinking of captain william dying in front me while I use my powers is too unacceptable. Captain william is such a nice man, he always encourage me after I make a mistake for not controlling my powers. This idoling of mine towards him is slowly turning into a crush. The more I try to deny it, the more I'm falling for him.

"Why you said? It's because he believes in you. I, also believe in you, now sleep well, we've got a mission tomorrow" my eyes widen in shock as I heard him say that, captain william believes on me? As it echoed to my head, my cheeks turned pink. "We-well then captain, I-I'll go out" I said pointing at the door signalling to go out.

"Wait y/n, starting tomorrow just call me william, we'll be partners after all" a sweet warm smile made his face

"Ye-yes captain, william, see you tomorrow" with that I quickly left as I don't think I can hold on much longer. I was blushing insane.

With that I went to my room, lay on my bed, and think about how can I control my powers. Until I still have no clue how and I drifted in a slumber.

                     (Next morning)

*tik tok tik tok*

"Mmmm, I'm still sleepy....... oh no! I'm late!" I quickly showered and put on my robe, captain must be waiting for me after I got dressed I quickly went to our meeting place.

"Hah, hah, I-I'm sorry captain if if I'm late hah" I was panting because I ran "I kind of woke up late".

"It seems like you were in a rush, you didn't even brushed your hair, good thing its all dried up now."

"Hah, oh umm yes, I was rushing"

"Then don't mind if I do" with that he pulled out a comb and started combing my hair (where did he get that comb??? Anyways back to the story) a comb? Since when do captain william brings a comb on  mission?

He's combing my hair. HE'S TOUCHING MY HAIR!!!  The way his fingers run through my head was so relaxing and its something that you should be blushing for.

"There all done"

"Ummm thanks captain"

"No problem" he smiled "let's move on shall we?" He put out his hand like a charming prince. I gladly took it, like who would ever refuses captain william?!?!?!


Captain william is now fighting with the villain, and I'm just here on the side, watching the both of them. It's not like I don't want to help but actually I'm worried that I might not able to control my powers and instead hurt captain william.

"Y/n!!! Its now or never, shoot him while I hold him down" he grudges in pain and struggles to fight.

I-I need to do it or else captain william is gonna die. Die? No! I can't let that happen, but what if I shot him instead? Then he'll die. So many run through my head, making me freeze in my place. Like a coward little kitten, I can't do anything right. I-I'm a failure I can't possibly help captain william, he's far stronger than me, he's on another level above me, I'm just trash with a trashy power.

"Y/n!!! Remember, I believe in you!" I snapped out, his words echoed to my brain, I feel like a ray of sunshine hit my face. Without a doubt I took my grimoire out, and started chanting my spell. "Dark magic: midnight ray" with that I successfully landed my attacks on the enemy. "I-I did it! I managed to control my powere!"

"Haha!!! Is that all you have? Then watch me control my powers!"

"No!" He shot at captain william with his full power.

"Captain, captain can you hear me? Please answer me" I went to him and held him in my arms as tears rolled down my eyes.

"Haha! That's what you call power! And now you'll get a taste of it too"

Without giving any attention to the villain you only looked at your captain "captain, say something, please, I-I'm sorry if I hadn't helped sooner. Open your eyes! Captain! Don't leave me! I-I love you!" Powerful dark magic surrounded me as my tears pour endlessly, I was out of control, I didn't knew what I was doing, its like my body is getting over by powerful dark magic. Chaos were everywhere around me, the villain also died as he was overwhelmed be my powers.

I-I can't stop this,



help me

"Y-y/n please......... stop......... this....... already"

She can't hear him

"Y/n, snap out of it, hear me, listen only to my voice"

"Kill, kill everyone"

"Y/n! Snap out of it, its me" tears also rolled down on the cheeks of the captain as he was getting hopeless on how to save you, without any thinking, he moved his face closer to yours, making sure that your lips touched, making sure you feel the warmth of his lips of his love.

You were calmed down at his doing and is now back to your consciousness

"Ca-captain? I-I'm sorry" tears started dripling your eyes once again but this time william held you in his arms, you can feel his warm embrace as he tries to comfort you.

"Y/n listen to me, I LOVE YOU"


Author: my first one-shot (T^T) I hope that its to your liking

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