2- Found?

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He went closer to it to see how deep the stair well went but couldn't see an end at all, at first he thought that he should just turn around and try to find a way back but couldn't seem to move away from the stairs, instead he started walking closer till he got to the first step. The boy stopped just before he took his first step of descent as he heard a voice, since he was unable to make out what was being said he crouched down to see if he could hear what was being said a little bit better. 

"Jungkook are you finally here?" 

His eyes went as big as saucers as he realised that someone was calling his name and asking if he had finally come "Yes, I'm here but who are you and how do you know my name?"  jungkook called back from the top of the stairs as he gathered up all his courage to take the first step down the stairs. After asking the question there was silence for a few seconds before the man spoke up "you will  find that out later, I promise, but right now I need to talk to you about something more important and that is your safety" after hearing this his curiosity grew at what he had to say and his fear slowly faded as he started walking down the stairs a little faster.

When he got down he saw an enormous dark and empty room lit only by a faint light coming from a candle in the far end of the room. 'How is it empty though?' he thought, soon after his eyes landed on a particular thing no..... a person. The person had been chained to the centre of the room by what looked like more than a dozen chains; it looked as if the man had been locked up for quite a long time judging by the dirty clothes but interestingly enough, the man himself looked perfectly healthy and clean with perfect blonde hair and a muscular body... one thing was for sure that he was not  Korean, kookie didn't understand what was happening but decided not to question it for now.

 "Listen to me carefully because what I'm about to say now is very important" the man said in the most authoritative voice he could muster and of course jungkook being the obedient boy he was listened to what he said "of course as you know its your 17th birthday and your parents have told you that you were to be sent to a camp b-" jungkook cut of the man as he was about to continue asking " wait a second, how did you know that?!" the man let out a sigh as he continued on with what he was saying " BUT somehow your scent came earlier than expected and the monsters found you" at this point jungkook's mouth was hanging open as he was unable to understand how this man was able to know all of this especially considering the kind of position that he has been put in. 

" I know that you must be very confused as to how I know all of this and what I mean by 'scent' but before I can explain any of that you need to know that you are a demigod" at this jungkook blanked out not knowing what to think, on one hand he thought that it was impossible but on the other hand, it didn't seem too far-fetched considering the events that had happened up till this point, but the thought of him being a demigod sounding so.... unreal.

"Well how can you be so sure about that?" he asked the man.

"Simple ,because I'm the reason that you're a demigod". Now Jungkook was at a loss for words and stared at the chained up man in front of him and had just started wondering what in the world he was talking about when the man spoke up again. 

"You're going to be going back to your own world now and when you go back make sure to keep this with you at all times and never take it off or use it unless you absolutely have to" he said as he held out a ring to the young boy. Jungkook reluctantly took it from the man wondering how he was supposed to use a ring other than just wearing it and put it on his finger. As he looked up at the man, he realised that he hadn't asked what the man's name was and had just opened his mouth to ask when there was a flash of blinding white light which forced him to close his eyes.

After opening his eyes he only managed to catch a glimpse of himself covered in blood, cuts and bruises and sees a few trees and the blurry face of a person with blonde hair supposedly saying something to him before he plunged back into darkness, this time it's just a dreamless sleep.

(Second chapter re-done and sorry if the story doesn't seem interesting right now but I promise to try and make it seem more interesting in the upcoming chapters. I hope it seems ok for now and feel free to comment down below who you think might have found him also sorry if the chapters seem too long)

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