8- Touch

90 6 17

~Jungkook pov~

The hyungs led me down to the cafeteria with me following behind with a wide smile plastered on my face. While walking I also started wondering if they'd have any chocolate there, I shook the thought out of my head deciding that I should be more focused on my new friends... friends?, how did I manage to make three friends in one day?!, I could barely make a handful of friends in my old school since I couldn't trust whether they were actually just friends with me for popularity.

I looked ahead of me to see hobi-hyung and tae-hyung walking together just talking and giggling at stuff every now and then with yoongi-hyung just shaking his head at their childish talks, I don't know how or why but I feel like I could trust these guys no matter what. Yoongi-hyung falls out of step with tae and hobi hyung and coming back to walk with me "ok I may know your name but I don't think that actually explains what was happening back there..... soooooooooo what happened?" yoongi hyung asked.

I looked at him sceptically wondering why he'd want to know, but then again he is one of hobi hyung's friends considering by how close they seem so I guess it would make sense for him to want to know. "well to start off the story our parents were friends so we basically met each other when I was around four so that would mean that he'd be...." I trailed off calculating with my fingers how old he would be before looking back at yoongi hyung to see him slightly chuckling from me having to suddenly stop to calculate but ignore it and continue telling the story.

"so he would've been about eight years old, at first I didn't really want to talk to him or anything but later my parents confessed to plotting with hobi hyung's parents and visiting them a lot so they could basically force me to go hang out with him" I said with a chuckle before going on "I guess my parents hard work paid off because me and hobi hyung became practically inseparable well that is until...." I stopped talking as I felt the sadness of it all coming back to me, I looked up and saw hobi hyung give tae hyung a playful smack on the back f his head while tae tae hyung just gave a little pout which caused me to giggle a little.

I turned back to yoongi hyung who had his eyebrows raised at my sudden giggle "so we were inseparable until a few days after hobi hyung's 12th birthday when he went missing, or at least that's what I thought. I went to look for hobi hyung at his house when I didn't see him at school to see what happened since hobi hyung wasn't the type of person to skip school for no reason" I took a deep breathe before continuing.

"when I got to his house I asked his parents where he was but all they said was that he had to leave before concluding with them saying that it would be pointless coming back here constantly to ask about him since they were going to be moving the next day as well. I was shocked and heartbroken thinking that my best friend that I'd come to trust and rely on over the years was now just gone without saying goodbye, I didn't believe his parents that he had just left like that so I looked around to anywhere he could have possibly gone but only to to see him not there."

I hadn't realised before but warm tears had started rolling down my cheeks as I was telling the story while just staring a the ground as we were walking, I looked up to see yoongi hyung looking at me with pity and sorrow in his eyes as put an arm around me.

~Yoongi pov~

I stared at the boy with pity and sorrow as it's obvious from his story that he doesn't trust people easily, now I feel a sudden urge to give hoseok a flick to the forehead. Jungkook looked up from the floor with tears rolling down his slightly chubby cheeks and I may not really be the type of person to show my feelings too often but this time I just couldn't seem to help it.

I threw an arm around jungkook pulling him closer then whispering in his ear "it's ok he's here now you don't have to think about that, if you feel sad you can always come to one of us and you also have my full permission to kill hoseok if you want. WAIT SO THAT'S WHY YOU WERE CHASING HIM AROUND THE PLACE!!!", after I said- well shouted the last part jungkook just giggled as we stopped in front of the cafeteria.

I heard someone cough, catching me and jungkook's attention we looked ahead to see the hoseok and taehyung had already got there before us and were looking at us strangely, even stranger than that is the fact where I felt an urge to take my arm away because I got a feeling that if I don't then someone's going to die in here since both taehyung and hoseok's gazes seemed to be directed towards my arm around his shoulder for some reason.

I slowly took my arm off the boy to see the two somehow look more relaxed which confused me but I guess this day is just full of confusions because I can't seem to understand anything about what's happening today!, after a second tae came rushing up to jungkook.

~Taehyung pov~

I don't know why but when I saw yoongi hyung's arm around jungkook I had this feeling take over me and I just stared at his arm draped over kookie's shoulder until he took it off, I don't know why but I've just started feeling slightly more protective over him.

A second after yoongi removed his arms I looked at jungkook's face to see tear stains on his cheeks. I immediately ran up to him (even if he was just a few steps away) and took his face in my hands "what happened? why were you crying?!" I asked worried as hobi hyung came up as well and started stroking his back as well.

"Don't worry he was just telling me about how he and hoseok met and stuff and when he got to the part where hoseok left he got upset and started crying, don't worry though I've given him permission to attack him whenever he wants to" we were all quiet for a second  after suga hyung said that before hoseok hyung spoke up and broke the silence by saying

"you allowed him to do what now?!"

I looked to see hoseok hyung's lips pursed and eyes wide and looked over beside him to see jungkook creepily smiling at hoseok hyung. I don't know what scares me more right now, the fact that suga hyung just gave jungkook permission to attack hoseok hyung or the creepy smile that the once innocent looking boy gave to him.

Before anything could happen we heard a crash from the cafeteria followed by a chorus of screams.

~Hoseok pov~

I rushed into the cafeteria to see what the commotion was about only to see half the place up in flames and the only person who could've possibly caused this by the kitchen with a guilty look on his face. There was only one thing that I could possibly say.


The rest of the boys rushed in to see what had happened. Tae and Yoongi hyung just face palmed while jungkook looked completely horrified with his jaw practically hanging on it's hinges. "Namjoon what did you do!?!" I shouted across the cafeteria he just looked at me while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck once he caught my eyes but shouted back "I'm sorry, it was an accident!!!" I just sighed in defeat.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE CAFETERIA AND MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND. YOU TOO NAMJOON!!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could hoping that everyone heard me. I watched making sure that everyone left, especially namjoon giving him and hit on the head before letting him off. When I was sure that everyone had left I turned to the fire to see what I could do seeing the other guys standing there, I sighed wondering why the hell they haven't left yet. I opened my mouth to tell them to leave when I was cut off by an explosion.




"No way!"

(hey guys I know I don't upload the best of chapters but if you're still reading this until now then thank you for bearing with me and I'll try to make things more interesting as I go along and also my school is going to be opening like next week monday and right now it's like saturday😥. updates might be even slower than they are now but I'll still try to stick to my promise of updating more often if we get to 50 reads❣❣❣ and shockingly enough in the past 3 days the amount of reads went from like 12 or something to like 40 which is actually amazing so thank you for your support😱😱😱 and don't forget to stay safe and love your self. Yes I'm going back to ly era idk why but I just keep thinking about it nowadays since life has been pretty chaotic but anyways Love you all💜💜💜)

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