7- Shadows

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~Hoseok pov~

As soon as I confessed to my lie I ran off as fast as I could before the bunny boy could catch up to me. I could see people around us staring at us in either shock, fear or adoration with me already being quite popular in the camp and jungkook looking how he does.  I heard the heavy sound of his footsteps closing in on me about 15 seconds later, I knew that when he caught up to me I'd be dead meat, suddenly feeling scared for my life I shouted the first thing that came into my mind "YOONGI HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."

Realising who I just called I looked back to see Jungkook just a few steps away and reaching his hand towards me, a second before he could touch me a black forcefield came creating a wall between me and kookie.

~Jungkook pov~

Just seconds before I was going to catch up to hobi hyung and catch him, hobi hyung called out someones name but I just ignored it and ran being just a centimetre away from touching him when a wall of darkness blocks me from him.

"AWBDFL WHAT THE HECK!!!" I shouted  in complete and utter shock.

After letting that out the wall of darkness disappeared and I could see hobi hyung standing there just looking at me with wide eyes before frantically looking around when I suddenly felt a harsh grip around my throat, I looked to the side to see someone a bit shorter than me that resembles somewhat a cat? but suddenly everything started going dark as if we were in some place where the sun didn't exist but even so..... Wrong move! the next thing I heard before all light faded was Hobi hyung shout "NO DON'T!"

~Yoongi pov~

I was lying in my room about to go to sleep when I heard someone call my name, at first I thought of ignoring it but after a second realised that it was hoseok's voice and immediately got up opening up my shadow portal... well that's what I call it anyways, I opened the shadow portal and stepped in and came out the other side to see hoseok being chased by a boy that looks at least a couple of years younger? it's already strange enough that he's actually being chased by someone but someone younger as well I was confused but didn't waste a second in putting up a shadow wall.

After I put up the wall the boy jumped back in horror shouting something and frantically whipping his head around side to side as I went up and gripped his neck with just enough force,  as I was closing us in with darkness he  took a look at me for a second with clenched jaws before I heard hoseok shout "NO DON'T" 

~Hoseok pov~

I shouted as loud as I could expecting Jungkook to listen to me but of course he didn't and I knew exactly what was gonna happen next. 'Well happy funeral yoongles you shall forever be missed' I thought.

The dark ball surrounding them immediately disappeared while yoongi hyung lay on the ground groaning in pain.  I ran over to yoongi hyung remembering to give kookie a smack on the back of his head making him look down sheepishly before I turned back but not before hearing "WHAT THE HECK?!?"

I turned to see taehyung staring at us with wide eyes and immediately rushed over asking if everyone was ok and checking up on jungkook as well asking whether he was hurt. 

~Yoongi pov~


He is 100% younger than me; I have no idea where that kind of strength comes from a boy who looks that frail. I groaned in pain with hoseok running up to me giving the kid a smack on the back of his head which confused me even more as I had no idea why he was running away from him before when he wasn't going to hurt him, the thought was very quickly pushed aside when a shout echoed across the field. 'Oh please don't tell me he's a part of this as well' I thought as I turned my head to see taehyung running towards us and to jungkook asking if HE was alright!?! does he not see the condition I'm in because of him!!!

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