1- 17th Birthday

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He was walking home from school humming to the song playing on his phone, excited for the next day as it was going to be his 17th birthday. 

"Mom, dad, I'm home" he said as he excitedly walked into the living room where his parents were usually resting, expecting them to be just as happy; when he walked into the living room he saw his parents there as expected, but instead of smiles they had a glum look to their faces as they saw the young boy waltz in.

"Jungkook we have to talk to you about something" said the boy's dad. "sure what is it" replied jungkook, "we wanted to talk to you about well.... you remember that tomorrow is your 17th birthday right?" asked the young boy's mum. 

"Yeah, of course, I'd never forget. Why?" he asked he asked in confusion "we're really sorry but we're going to have to send you off to a camp tonight" jungkook's dad explained "what?! why!?!?!" jungkook questioned in frustration of the sudden change of plans and hoped that this might even just be a joke. 

"We can't tell you until you reach the camp, but we  promise that everything will be explained once you get there". The boy didn't understand why he was being sent away all of a sudden and that too just a day before his birthday and without even getting a proper explanation as to why he's being sent away.

" This has got to be some kind of joke right?"

" We're sorry honey, we wish it was, but you need to understand that this is for your own good" she said with tears in her eyes.

He was confused as to how this could possibly be for his own good. 

"How long am I supposed to be there for" jungkook asked as he focused his gaze on his shoes.

 "...you might not be coming back" his mom said as puddles of water formed at her eyes.

" What do you mean I might not be coming back?!?" he asked as anger at the unfairness of the situation started seeping out.

"We didn't want to do this either, but we don't have a choice and we promise that it will all make sense when you get there " said his dad.

"Then as my birthday present... can I at least stay the night?" He asked hoping with all his heart that they would agree and for a painful moment, it was silent until he heard a quiet yes from his dad. 

When the boy looked towards his father, he could see tears rolling down his cheeks as well, Jungkook knew that at this point he wouldn't be able to stop the tears so he ran off to his room saying that he's going to pack. When he got into his room he cried to his hearts content while packing the necessary items into two black duffel bags. After packing his things he feeling sleepy and decided to go off to sleep after taking one last look around the room that he would be leaving behind.

~The next morning~

Jungkook woke up with a start after hearing the sound of something breaking. He scrambled out of bed and immediately ran to check where the sound had come from, as he ran out into the living room he saw his parents struggling against a.... monster!?! 

He stood frozen in the entrance of the living room not sure if such a thing was even possible; the thing looked like some kind of big, black, one-eyed, serpent like creature; what surprised him even more was that his parents had a sword and shield each which he had never even seen lying around the house. 

The boy called out to his parents and asked " Mom, dad what are you doing? what's happening!?!?!?!?" everyone's attention, including the monster turned towards him, Jungkook's mum noticed the monster looking at him ready to attack and shouted "kookie get out of the house and don't stop running!!!!!" shouted his mum, although he wanted to stay and help there was nothing he could do as the monster got ready to lunge at him. Jungkook's dad stabbed the anomaly causing it to turn it's attention back to them and shouted again even louder "WE SAID RUN!!!!!!", and this time he ran into his room, grabbed his bag of essentials and got out of the house as fast as he could. 

He'd been running for god knows how long and to who knows where but when he stopped running he realised that he was in the middle of some forest and started thinking of how stupid his choice to run into a freaking forest was especially considering that he was nearly attacked by a monster back at his own house. Almost out of nowhere he started feeling lightheaded and heard bushes rustling around him before everything went dark.


He slowly opened his eyes and looked around at the strange place that he'd been brought to. "what is this place? wait a minute....... HOW DID I GET HERE!!!" he shouted as he realised that he had no idea where he was or how he could've possibly got there in the first place. 

Jungkook took another look at the place and observed the layout of what would have been an utterly astounding town if it weren't broken down. There were what looked to have once been beautiful white structures now left in dust and small bits, the only evidence of it ever being there, but the strange thing is that they all seemed to be forming a circle around what looked like an underground stairwell?

( A/N: I'm re-writing the story and am hoping that this is a little better than when it was initially published. I don't have an update schedule and since I'm not properly back to wattpad I might take a while, but I won't be putting out any new chapters until I finish re-doing all of my previous chapters. Have a good day and thank you for reading :D)

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