9 - Olympian secrets

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~Jungkook pov~
As the explosion went off I don't know why or how but I felt something surging through me, I could feel something but I didn't know what to do.

I heard a splashing type of sound before a wall of blue appears in front of us just as the flames leaped towards us attempting to burn us to cinders, after closer inspection I noticed it ripple. Water. After the wall was put up a short looking man with impressive looking muscles and jet black hair with a fringe that went just above his eyes and perfectly sculpted slender looking face ran into the room ran.

He pushed the wall of water forward taking the fire back, he looked back to us gaze slightly lingering on me before turning to the others still keeping the wall up, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?!" he shouted as we either flinched or slightly jumped at his harsh tone. Hoseok hyung spoke up saying "well it's not our fault that namjoon's destruction slap struck again" with an eye roll to show his annoyance at the situation. the boy just sighed "we seriously need to lock him up or else he's gonna end up destroying the whole damn camp", as he said that the flames started pushing forward again but he still managed to push it back again, turning his head back to the wall he had made and putting more focus into it.

"And don't you guys think that it woulda been a smarter idea to bring one of the sons or daughters of Poseidon with you before heading in here!?" The boy asked with a slightly irritated tone coating his voice. I thought about what he said and used the knowledge I had about Greek gods to realise that he was probably a son of Poseidon himself.

As the guy was pushing the flames away I felt a strange pull towards it, I didn't understand why but I walked up to the boy holding off the whips of sunset Orange and scarlet red.

~??? pov~
I was still holding off the flames when one of the guys walked up, I looked to my side seeing that he was the strangely cute but in a way still manly one that I saw standing with the other guys. He stopped right beside me quietly for a few seconds, the next blow of flame pushed, stronger than the rest.

"The flames are being controlled"

His voice sounded sure as he said that, I didn't now what to say.... how does he know whether the flames are being controlled or not? I mean I guess it would explain why and how the push of flames are so forceful. Usually any type of fire would die out as it touches the wall of water but I thought that maybe because it's an explosion that occurred the flames may be stronger. It made sense but how would he know for sure like that...... unless..... NO that's impossible, he can't be... can he?

I looked over again to see the boy standing there with a concentrated face as if trying to figure the flames out and the rest of the group behind us with confused and equally worried expressions written across their faces. I turn around again to attempt to push the flames back a little more but before I did I heard the boy beside me say "let down wall."

I looked at the boy eyes widened in surprise hoping that he was joking. As I looked at his face I saw that he was staring straight at me with a look of determination etched onto his face, I looked behind me too see taehyung walk up to the unknown boy and give him a smack on the head before shouting at him "ARE YOU CRAZY!!!! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BETTER THAN HOSEOK HYUNG AT FIGHTING DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU CAN TAKE ON A WHOLE FUCKING EXPLOSION!!!!" I widened my eyes even more if that was possible hearing that he was better than hoseok hyung at fighting, ever since I got here no one has ever been able to beat Hoseok hyung.

The boy just looked back at him while rubbing the back of his head while saying in a low tone "I know what I'm doing" Taehyung looked into his eye for a minute before saying "if you die then don't expect any banana milk" with a small pout. The boy he was talking to just gives a small smile to him before turning back to me with a straight face "take the wall down, and everyone take a step back."

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