10- Old Friends

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~ Jungkook pov~
After being told about the whole reincarnation thing we were allowed to go back to our dorms to process all the information and were told to come to the training field the next day which is why we're here now.

I was originally going to come with tae-hyung, but he already left earlier in the morning which pissed me off a little bit since he just kinda left me hanging last night after..... yea....

As I walked closer to the end of the field where we would be training I heard someone shout my name and immediately felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew whose voice it was the second I heard it. How he's even here, I don't know but if he's here then I have zero chance of survival.

"Jungkook-ah!!! Is that you!!!" I heard him shout before I was tackled to the ground mercilessly by my best friend, again, I don't know when he got here or how he got here but I'm just happy that I have another friend from the outside world here with me.

I let out a groan and slight laugh as Yugyeom lays sprawled out on top of me, I give him a tight hug as he hugs back.

"Why do you have to be so freaking heavy!" I jokingly shouted while giving a chuckle to which he just responded to with a a smack to my arm and got up. "What are you doing here anyways, aren't you supposed to be back in Seoul? Oh and you also turned 17 this year right? Congrats!" I just rolled my eyes and answered "isnt it obvious why I'm here? If I was back in Seoul then I would be dead by now and yes I turned 17 just like you're supposed to in November!" Now it was yugyeom's turn to roll his eyes, "yea, yea I know but I've gotta strike up a conversation somehow, if you're still the same as before then that means that you're never gonna open your mouth to actually talk and I'm gonna have to do it for you." I didn't know what to say after that, I knew that it was true so didn't try to deny but decided to just continue the conversation.

"Well mister smarty pants, would you mind telling me why you're here and not in Seoul?" Yugyeom just rolled his eyes and said "same reason as you Dumbo, trying not to die" I just shot him a knowing grin as I looked ahead and saw Bambam talking to 5 other guys I don't know and the 6 guys I met yesterday during/after/before the 'incident'.

"Are you sure you didn't just follow bambam here?" I asked knowing full well how this question would affect him.

Yugyeom's cheeks lit up bright at the sudden mention of his almost too close friend "What do you mean?" He asked trying to sound as innocent a possible, I could see right through his act, I'm one of the only people who can. I just quirked an eyebrow at him and asked "you're acting as if you don't know" He just gave me another smack on the arm and rolled his eyes. "What even makes you think I would?" I just chuckled a little and replied with just one word "History".

Yugyeom just tilted his head to the side, in a way asking for me to explain. I let out an amused sigh before explaining, "you see..... YOU ARE ALWAYS, AND I MEAN ALWAYS STARING AT HIM!!!!!" I practically scream, bam bam and the others even looked back and I swear I saw some sort of unrecognisable emotion flash across his face after I said that.

~Yugyeom pov~
After jungkook screamed it out loud enough for the whole camp to hear i stared at him eyes wide in shock that he just did that but saw him staring at something else..... I followed his gaze, only to see that he was staring at bambam, I don't even know if I was seeing things but I'm so sure that I saw something similar to jealousy cross his almost perfect features, I blinked once and looked again all I saw was him smiling sweetly at us.

I internally rolled my eyes at myself thinking that I could've just seen bambam being jealous. He only sees me as a friend anyways.

Wait.... if he looked over at us because he heard kookie then did he hear what he said as well!?!?!

I swear to God that if bam bam heard what jungkook said then there is gonna be a dead bunny by tomorrow morning!

Bam Bam then started walking up to us, I felt myself and jungkook beside me tense up as he walked over with the smile never leaving his face "hey, what were you guys talking about?" I gave an unnoticeable silent sigh of relief as I find out that he didn't hear anything, well that was until he said "I just heard our little kookie here shout that you are always staring at someone" I slightly tense up, for some reason I feel his gaze turning a little cold before he turns back to jungkook "also congrats on being a demigod!, your birthday was a few days ago right?" Kook just nodded his head with a carefree smile on his face and went to hug bam bam hyung.

I stood by and watched jungkook go and hug bam bam, as he was coming back I saw tae-hyung's ease up a little bit more.... why was he tensed up before anyways?

I looked towards jungkook but only now just noticed something on him... a barely see able purple mark on the side of his neck towards the collarbone.

NO! there is no way thats what I think it is right? He's way too innocent for all that stuff.... I think.....

Whatever, I'm just going to ignore that for now, I have a bigger problem because bam bam just turned back to me and asked for the answer, I can ask the rabbit about it later. I need to find a way out of answering his question.

Before anyone could do anything, the bell rang signaling the beginning of practice, thank God for helping me or else I would've had to dig a hole, bury myself and die!

~third person pov~

The rest of the day went on as normal, the boys trained hard on their hand to hand combat techniques taught by the instructors (not on eachother yet) until 8pm, from there they decided that the 2 get groups should hang out, well jungkook and yugyeom did anyways, the boys stayed up till late in the night talking to each other and the people who don't know each other getting acquainted, jungkook found out that yugyeom was actually a demigod as well , of Athena, yugyeom and bam ban had been brought after jungkook went missing.

They spoke for hours before getting sleepy and making their way back to their cabins.

As jungkook walked into the cabin he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind, jungkook got startled and was about to elbow the person behind him before remembering that taehyung was supposed to be there with him. So instead jungkook just slowly turned around to see taehyung staring down at him.

Jungkook shifted uncomfortably under his gaze "what happened?" Jungkook asked in a small voice, taehyung just chuckled and said "you happened" jungkook slightly cringed at his cheesiness but still liked it.

"Well what r u doing?" Jungkook asked with a little more confidence, "I'm going to do this!!!"

There were a few seconds of silence before a loud SHOUT came out of the cabin causing the people in the cabin next door to wake up and rush in to the cabin that jungkook and v were in.




"HELP ME!!!!"

( Hey guys, I finally updated after forever, yay🥳🥳🥳sorry I couldn't update much but since the school holidays are on rn i was able to update and I might be able to update once or twice more before the holidays finish, im also thinking of starting maybe another book with BTS, TXT, SKZ and GOT7... I'm not sure if I should and if I do then should it include ships or not.... I mean I could make it a chatroom.... but I'll do it if people would want me to. Also these are all just filler chapters since I don't think it would be right to time skip a full year.... so yeah, the next few chapters are just gonna be different things happening with bts and got7, if anyone wants to give chapter ideas then I'm always open for those😁💜 and as always author-nim loves u all💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜)

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