14. What's happening?

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2 weeks later.

Jungkook pov.

Ok what is happening?!

After the day that jimin hyung bought me that banana milk both tae-hyung and jimin hyung have been acting strange, they've been getting me more chocolates, snacks, treats and even more banana milk! Not that I'm complaining but its a little strange, they're constantly showering me with affection and one of the two are always hanging out with me.

It's not that I don't like all the love I get from them but I mean, it can get a bit overwhelming at times but nothing too bad I guess.

I don't really know why but whenever I'm with one of them and the other comes in the air suddenly turns tense, it's like something's happened that I don't know anything about which should be very unlikely considering the fact that they haven't left my side since the first time Chim hyung decided to bring me banana milk.

Today is unfortunately no different, I was hanging out with tae-hyung and playing video games since the instructors allowed us to get one by contacting jin hyung's parents. Tae-hyung and I were playing over watch together when Jimin hyung came into the room, I'm so sure that I a little smirk on his face, the good kind, but t was gone within the blink of an eye since the second I looked again I just saw both hyungs staring daggers at eachother.

I just sigh and get up saying that I'm going to the bathroom.

I don't understand what's going on but hey, they're giving me all this love and affection so I might as well take it.

Jimin pov.

Ofcourse, taetae and kook are hanging out and playing video games when I walk in, I smirk a little when I see that some progress is actually being made between the two but immediately pull a straight face when I realise that kook is watching me.

The second kook blinks, tae looks back at the screen meaning that he most likely saw me smirking.

I just walked away hoping that neither of them would question it.

Taehyung pov.

Of course he would come in while we're hanging out, whatever.

He looks over and I see him smirk a little, surprising thing is that it didn't seem evil for once.

Once I saw that he knew I was looking I turned my head back to the game that we were playing and he just walked away, I saw jungkook's gaze longer on him for a second more before turning it back to the screen as well.

Jin pov.

So, there has been tension, not only between me and joon but also between the taeminkook trio and yoonseok as we like to call them.

I don't know what exactly is going on but you can feel the glares taehyung and jimin occasionally send eachother during practices as well as the confusion radiating off of jungkook everytime it happens but it just looks like he shrugs it off, I mean how could he not like all the love he's getting from them?

For yoongi and hoseok though, I'm not really so sure about what's happening since they always seem lost when they lock eyes, its a little confusing especially when hoseok breaks the eye contact and yoongi just smirks, I'm not gonna lie, yoongi smirking like that at hoseok is kinda creepy but I'm honestly starting to ship them as much as I ship taekook right now.

For now I'm just lying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling while joon is staring at his phone.

With a sigh I get up and just go to the bathroom to splash some water onto my face to clear my head a little.

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