5- Oh Damn!

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~Taehyung pov~

During the whole time we were eating I tried talking to Jungkook as much as I possibly could cuz to me it didn't seem like he was going to say a word on his own after his little rant about girl being annoying. Honestly when he suddenly started ranting I was surprised because he actually looked annoyed while talking about them and talked without me having to say anything much, I wasn't surprised when the girls started talking about how hot he is, I mean he is so I can't do much about that but I gotta say, honestly I think I like the talkative version better.

After we had lunch I dragged him off to the training fields to find a way to get him to loosen up a bit more, I know for sure that he can because when he was ranting about the girls I could tell that in that moment he was being the real him and I want that guys to come out. After a while of walking we made it to the fields when I saw the bleachers and immediately knew what to do .

I ran up the bleachers and turned and gestured for him to follow me. He looked a bit reluctant at first but soon followed as I went higher and higher to the really top and looked down to check where he was, he wasn't there. "who are you looking for?" a voice spoke up behind me I screamed and jumped back only to see Jungkook standing there with wide eyes for a second before starting to chuckle then break out into a full on laugh. It was the first time I had seen him laugh, he looked so cute while laughing, but it is so not enough to be happy with him scaring me like that.

I backed away from him while he was lying on the ground laughing with his eyes closed, he didn't realise what I was gonna do which was perfect as payback for scaring me.

I gathered as many clouds over him as I could shouted "DON'T SCARE ME!!!" he suddenly looked at me after I shouted that and shouted back "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" and I just answered back saying "THIS" as I clicked my fingers causing all the rain to fall and completely drench him.

Jungkook just looked at me with an angry glare and cute pout on his lips for a few seconds before he turned around from me and walked back down the stairs with his arms crossed and the clouds still following overhead. I immediately stopped the rain and ran down the stairs to him realising that he didn't look back even once, OH DAMN did I really upset him that much?

~Jungkook pov~

I can not believe that he seriously just did that to me. It's not fault I was fast and caught up to him, plus what kind of reaction did he expect after doing that, it was not my fault.

I fixed him with an angry glare before walking off. I expected him to follow me and he did he jumped onto me saying sorry multiple times, but i just brushed him off and continued walking to who knows where. This time he came in front of me and jumped onto me enveloping me in a huge hug saying sorry over and over again.

I just did the first thing that came into mind and picked him up and sat him to the side on the bleachers and continued walking.

~Taehyung pov~

Did he just pick me up and put me to the side?!? how is he so strong.... or am I just really light? whatever right now I need to make it up to him but how?.

I just said the first that came into mind at this point as he's already gone down about five steps "Jungkook I'm sorry I'll...... buy you banana milk?" he immediately turned around and ran back and said "ok you've made the deal there's no backing out of it now!" for a few seconds I was confused at what happened and took a few seconds to process what just happened.

He held out his hand for me to grab and I held on, as he pulled me up he asked " is this the whole reason you brought me here or is there another reason?" I looked at him with a smirk and said "Oh what I was planning to do was going to be way worse" and with that I pulled him back up to the top and without letting anyone do anything else I pulled up a hail storm making everyone on the training fields scream out of horror. I looked over at Jungkook to see his reaction and all he did was stare at me with his mouth hanging open and wide eyes. "I'm the son of Zeus.. remember?" I said with a smirk.

Someone suddenly came running up to us, It was jihan "did you seriously just cause a hail storm?!?!" I looked at him with the most innocent eyes I could and said "sorry hyung I was just trying to get the new kid to loosen up" and for extra effect pouted. jihan looked like he was gonna pinch my cheeks but stopped and took a deep breath then said "sorry tae tae but Hoseok hyung is going to have to deal with you now" he exclaimed with a sad smile. I stared at him in horror after he said that and asked "you don't mean a....." I trailed off and he continued "...... yes a duel" I was beyond scared at this point and pacing around like a crazy person thinking of ways to get out of this.

I finally came up with an excuse and said "but what about jungkook he's new here I have to show him around" I said hastily, turning to jungkook for some help and said "right" to confirm instead he said "I don't have a problem with it..... is it ok if I do it as well I'm kinda bored?"

The boy hasn't even been awake for a full day and already wants to go back to the infirmary...IS HE CRAZY!!!! I turned to Jihan and saw that he looks shocked as well then turned back to Jungkook and said "are you crazy you won't stand a chance against him!!!" he just smirked at me and said "well then it will just be more fun" I was speechless and turned to Jihan and said "ok we'll do it" still kind of dazed from what I just heard Jungkook say but thought 'well I tried to warn him, I guess he wants to get himself killed and kill me in the process as well'.

"I swear if we manage to survive this then you are dead" I said before we followed Jihan to the training fields.




" what just happened?!"

( Hey guys thanks for reading I love you 💜💜💜)

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