15. This is crazy!!!

17 0 0

~5 months later~

Yoongi pov.

So, Hoseok has been avoiding me for a while now. He started avoiding me somewhere around the end of last month. We still share the cabin but he's always keeping his distance now, he always seems to tense up around me now and I haven't even tried anything for the last 3 months because it didn't feel right to do that to him.

If Hoseok is going to develop feelings for me or anyone then I need to let him figure it out on his own.

I've been getting closer to the other members as time went by and managed to become closer to jimin about a month before Hoseok started avoiding me and I treat him like my little brother, we're polar opposites but I guess that just makes me want to cherish him more knowing how fragile he would be.

I've also managed to become closer with Namjoon, I honestly thought that he would just be causing massive trouble by destroying something but he really hasn't destroyed anything yet, not completely anyways, he did nearly destroy the floor of the indoor courts when we all agreed to play basketball, everyone was surprised that I actually said yes and even more surprised that I was actually good which was honestly quite amusing to watch.

I've also got quite close with kook, he's my little baby and if anyone dares to try and hurt him they would have to get through me first! Is this what it feels like to be a parent? I know that the boy can defend himself; with power and strength like his anyone would be down on their knees.

Speaking of jungkook, he moved out of the cabin he shared with taehyung and jimin but only told jin hyung what happened, jin hyung seemed pretty pissed after jungkook pulled him aside to explain what happened. I swear, if one of those idiots did anything to hurt kook then I'll trap them in a dark hole for 3 hours.

Hoseok pov.

WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!? First he comes to me and starts sweet talking me and acting like he likes me then suddenly just stops and hangs out with that mochi faced idiot!!! He's always hanging around kookie which I'm fine with because he treats him like a baby but did he seriously just pretend as if nothing happened at all?!! 

I don't understand what he was thinking! He started acting all loving around me 5 months ago then just stopped 3 months ago, I'm confused and a tiny bit hurt but a lot more angry that he ditched me for Mr. Mochi face, what's so good about him anyways?? I mean... he is cute? and he's good at singing....? and I guess he's also a good dancer but I'm good at dancing as well!!! and I'm so much better at rapping not to mention that I'm the experienced hand-to-hand combat fighter.

I'm trying to stay as far away from that forever sleepy cat as possible. I feel abandoned in a way. He doesn't know what he's missing. 

Namjoon pov.

Nothing much has happened except for the fact that kookie is now staying in the same cabin as Jin hyung and me. I tried getting answers from the two of them yet the only thing that I managed to find out was that Jimin and Taehyung had something going on and Jungkook got tired of it........ are the two of them dating? Did Jungkook get tired of third-wheeling? I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions though.

I've been getting closer to the other guys recently, especially Hoseok; it's definitely interesting to see the interactions between Yoongi and him since all Hoseok seems to do after seeing Yoongi with anyone other than the people he's approved of is grumble. 

We only have 7 months of training left and I really don't know if this is enough progress on my part since I'm still quite clumsy with close-combat and anything that requires a sword, although I can handle staffs, bats and blunt weapons as well as utilize my actual powers pretty well. I need to get as much practice and training in as possible before we have to leave since there are supposed to be about 8 different challenges that we need to prepare for while on our mission.

Jin pov.

I feel like I'm gonna go crazy. We have practice, I need to make sure the other 6 stay alive and on top of that jimin and taehyung decide that it's a good time to be competing, annoying and shouting at each other in their cabin. 'Why' is a question that almost everyone who's asked their cabin has asked and the answer to that is simple, it's Jeon Jung Kook. I feel so bad for the boy, he couldn't even sleep peacefully without somehow being crushed between the ever raging wars of the tae-min duo. 

Ugh these children are the source of my pain T~T

Jimin pov.

Kim Taehyung is one of the most annoying human beings ever and that is a hard fact. At first I was just playing around and trying to make tae a little bit jealous, but he straight up turned it into a competition. I would've stopped if he had just gave something better to kook but how am I supposed to when he just scoffs at me like that?! 

I still talk to Jungkook a bit- barely actually but even that's when we have to, so it's about no more than he talks to tae. I feel kinda bad that he got caught up in our mess. I'll find a way to make it up to Jungkook eventually.

Taehyung pov.

Jungkook's been avoiding me. Jimin won't stop arguing with me. Jin hyung's been giving me the stink eye ever since Jungkook moved out of our cabin while Yoongi hyung gives us death glares and the rest are just keeping their distance since somehow they're  already sure that the reason Jungkook moved out in the first place was because of the two of us....... not that it's not true but it's still unfair how they don't even give us a chance to explain. Jimin started it anyways! What should I do to make it up to Jungkook though? I feel really bad that he has to keep dealing with all this.

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