4- Loosen up!

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~Jungkook pov~

after I asked him he stayed still, slowly he turned around and I could see a smile somehow even bigger than the one had had on before (I do not know how that is even possible so don't ask). He came running back up to me which honestly scared me to the point I let out a yelp when he jumped on to my bed. 

~Taehyung pov~

When he asked me what happened I smiled so  wide my cheeks felt squished and turned around. As quick as I could I ran to his bed and jumped onto it earning a cute little yelp, I was excited to show him what I could do. 

"give me your hands" I said with a smile on my face, he looked at me with a strange face and asked " why do you want my hands?" I just rolled my eyes and took his hands into my own and held them tight indicating him to stay put. "ok now close your eyes" I told him, he looked a bit reluctant but did as I said.

~flashback Third person pov~

Taehyung was trudging through the woods with an annoyed look spread across his perfect features. While walking he suddenly stopped when he heard a crashing sound at first he ignored it and tried to walk away thinking that it was probably some sort of duel that was going on. 

He decided to just stay until he heard a shout or scream to make sure that they were still alive, he expected to hear some kind of cry of anger or even pain but heard nothing but more crashing sounds. His features went from angry-upset to concerned as he ran towards the source of the sound. When he got there he saw a monster throwing a boy around, smashing him against trees.

 Tae saw the monster walk towards the unconscious boy turning its arm somehow into a sword and about to stab him.

 Taehyung was about to step forward and stop him when the monster pushed his arm down intending to stab him but just as he got about a few centimetres away from the boys chest his arm stopped, tae looked at the monster in confusion wondering why he stopped when suddenly there was a blinding light that seemed to have come from the boy.

After things cleared up a bit and he could see again all he saw of the monster was the arm lying on the ground turning to ash, tae saw the boy slowly opening his eyes and ran up to him just before he closed them again.

~ End of flashback Taehyung pov~

I opened my eyes to see jungkook's big doe eyes already open and wider than I'd seen it since he woke up ( and that is really wide ) "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?!?" Jungkook asked confused. 

I just looked back at him with an amused smile spread across my face and answered "each demigod has their own abilities, some the same as others, some only they have and being the son of Zeus and being able to do this is quite unusual but super cool but basically I just took you into my mind and if I want I could even go into yours if I want to cool right?"

Suddenly Jungkook's face fell into a frown as he looked at me sceptically and asked "Did you already look into my mind?" I immediately shook my head in response letting him know that I didn't look into his mind while saying "what no just cuz I have the powers doesn't mean that I'm always using them. I respect a person's privacy....... Unless I suspect you of keeping a secret from me that you refuse to tell no matter what that is otherwise you're all goods" I cleared up with a cheeky smile. 

"Ok are you actually hungry because lunch should be starting in about 5 minutes" I asked him. He only replied with a single small nod and cute bunny smile.

~Jungkook pov~

I shyly nod and give a smile to taehyung as he asks me about food and about time as well because I am absolutely starving. I swear when he said that lunch should be starting in 5 minutes I so badly wanted to lunge onto him and hug him, of course I shouldn't do that though considering that I barely even know him.

As tae starts walking I quickly get off of the bed and follow him out of the cabin. As soon as I got out with tae I looked around and was in awe of the beautiful nature that was surrounding us. Next thing I saw was a bunch of girls I rolled my eyes as the started checking me and tae out and whispering stuff like "who is that guy." "oh he's so hot" and " he is so mine" 

After hearing that last remark I just scoffed and walked beside tae and asked " hey... Can we walk a bit faster the girls are being annoying" tae just lifted an eyebrow and said "if you want I could tell them to go away?" I just sighed and replied "they'll go away after a while then just come back anyways so it would be easier to just ignore them and not waste our breath" 

Now tae looked genuinely surprised as he looked at me but in less than a second his shook face turned into a smirk as he said  "you seem to have a lot of experience with girls" I looked at him with a 'really' look as I said "yeah annoying ones, to be honest I would've enjoyed school a lot more if there weren't girls following me around everywhere" I said with an annoyed face as we got to where I think is the dining hall.

As we walked in I looked around and saw really nothing special as tae turned to me and said "ok since you're new here and you don't know what demigod you are you can sit with me at my table ok?" I just nodded back to being shy as I realised how I was ranting to him about how annoying girls can be when they start fan girling like before.

~Time skip~

After lunch tae suggested we go to the training fields to find a way for me to loosen up a bit. I didn't know what exactly was going to happen but judging from my gut feeling it's gonna be painful for some people but not me I know better than to think someone's gonna hurt me.

As we got to the training fields I was actually a bit excited, I've always loved training myself in doing things and working out but instead of going onto the field like I thought he would, tae ran up as High as he could onto the bleachers and motioned for me to follow. At First I was reluctant but followed him up because what could go wrong?.



Why didn't I stop him!?!

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