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~Jin pov~

Me and Namjoon were getting ready for bed when we heard an ear piercing scream coming from the cabin next to ours.

Me and namjoon instantly looked up at eachother, we knew who were in that cabin, and the thought that the two would get into a fight didn't sit well with us.

We ran out of our cabin as fast as we could and into theirs to break up whichever type of fight that they could be in only to see something completely unexpected.... Taehyung was tickling him???

As soon as jungkook saw us standing in the doorway he shouted "HELP ME!!!" as loud as he could through his boisterous laughter.

Namjoon and I stood there in complete and utter confusion looking from eachother to them for a few seconds before realizing what exactly was happening. I was the first to break the silence that me and namjoon held in between eachother by joining in with the laughter created by the younger two, not too long after namjoon started laughing as well while taehyung kept tickling the maknae.

After about 2 minutes tae stopped tickling junkook and just went down to whisper something into his ear, as he pulled away from the boy's ear I asked "what were you whispering into his ear?" Taehyung just looked back at the baby bunny for a second and looked back saying "nothing, just a little warning"

"Warning....?" His eyes suddenly went wide as he said out "Nothing!!", I looked at jungkook only to see him giggling at taehyung.

~Jungkook pov~

Taehyung was still tickling me as the sound of jin hyung, namjoon hyung, tae-hyung's and my own laughter filled the cabin, after what felt like forever he finally stopped only to lean down into my ear and whisper "that's why u don't tempt me, it might be worse next time" I honestly wasn't even surprised this time, what surprised me was how long it took for hyung to realize what he had said when he answered to Jin hyungs question.

I started giggling at seeing a flustered looking tae hyung in front of me.

After I stopped laughing I looked back up at the hyungs, for some reason jin hyung looks confused and I guess tae hyung realized too because he asked what's wrong.

"Why isn't jimin here?"

I was confused and from the looks of it tae hyung was too.

Just then we heard someone shout "Hello everyone!" I looked behind jin hyung and namjoon hyung to see the other guys who can control wate- Poseidon.

"What are you doing here?!" Tae hyung asked rather harshly, I was confused at his sudden change of behavior but didn't question it. The jimin guy then came up and gave tae hyung a hug? Tae hyung just rolled his eyes and was about to say something when jin hyung suddenly spoke up saying "me and Joonie are going to bed now" and left while dragging namjoon hyung along as well.

Tae hyung then continued to talk and said to the jimin dude " you didn't answer my question"



"OH come on!!"

(OK I've updated just a little more than 10 minutes before the holidays end so enjoy... hopefully😅 also anyone who reads this pls try to comment🥺)

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