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~Jungkook pov~

The jimin dude opened his mouth to speak but got cut off before he could even start by tae-hyung saying "I swear this better be a good reason or I will kick your ass" I raised my eyebrows confused at what tae hyung said, especially with how weak he is.

Jimin just rolled his eyes with a smirk decorating his lips.

"I'm here because I've been assigned to this cabin with the two of you" and immediately went and hugged a slightly surprised tae-hyung.

"Well that doesn't mean that I've forgiven you yet" tae hyung said while lightly pushing him away with a small pout on his lips, I cant lie, he looked so adorable but I didn't exactly like the idea if him pouting like that to someone else, nonetheless I decided to stay put and see what happens next before doing anything stupid.

Jimin pouted at tae hyung before he just rolled his eyes once again and said "OK I'm sorry, I should've just let you eat those stupid dumplings.... I just don't want to fight with you anymore, can we pls make up again?" He said with a slightly sad expression.

Tae hyung just looked at him with a smile and gave him a hug before saying "thank god you apologized, I didn't know how long I'd be able to go without talking to you" jimin hugged back and after a few seconds pulled away and asked "so.... if I didn't apologize then you still would have come back?"

Tae hyung just chuckled a little and said "awww of course!" Jimin just looked at him with a straight face and for some reason started walking over to me.

"Oh well, I don't even need you, I've got jungkook here to keep me company" he sat down on the bed next to me and put his arm around me, i was confused so I didn't say anything and just sat there stunned.

Jimin then turned to me and said "hi my name is jimin and I'm that idiot's bff/soulmate its nice to meet you jungkook, I'm also most likely older than you since you call tae tae, hyung and I'm older than him by like 2 months"

So jimin "hyung" is tae hyung's best friend..... ok then....?

Not wanting to sound rude i just said "hi jimin hyung, you already know my name so I don't have to tell you my name" I said with a smile.

Jimin immediately reached over and squished my cheeks while ranting about how adorable I looked, I couldn't help but blush at his antics, I can tell that both would have noticed by now because jimin hyung was giggling and saying how cute I looked while blushing and could also see tae hyung staring daggers into his back.

At this point I couldn't help but let out a few giggles as well, all the compliments were overwhelming but I love it! Jimin hyung seems to be a genuinely sweet guy.

After jimin hyung was done he said that he was feeling a little sleepy so we decided that it probably was time to go to bed since it was already past 11pm and we'd have to wake up early the next morning.

(Sooo....... I thought i updated this before..... I guess I forgot to upload the chapter after writing it..... hehe.... sorry😅😅😅)

Edit: ok so I just saw that this got like 227 reads..... WHAT!?!?! thank you so much for making this get over 200 reads I love you all so much💜💜💜💜💜

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