3- Huh?

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~Jungkook pov~

I slowly opened my eyes, I couldn't see much as my vision was still kind of blurry. It took me a few seconds of blinking my eyes repeatedly to see properly. I looked around the place I was in, it was a room which was mostly white with what looked like a little more than thirty beds..... now that's unusual; although the beds were all empty I found myself looking at them as if something would magically appear. It wasn't until I heard a rustling sound from beside me that I realised there was someone beside me.

I turned to my head to the left just to be met face-to-face with a blonde haired boy sitting on a seat next to my bed with his chin resting in the palm of his propped up arm looking straight at me. I let out a yelp of surprise at the unexpected closeness which got the other chuckling at my reaction. 

"So, you done looking around the infirmary? I mean not much to see but I guess it must be interesting if you didn't even realise I was here"  he asked with a seemingly cheeky smile with slightly tired looking eyes.

My eyes stayed wide open as I looked at the angel-like boy with blonde hair, he might as well have been an anime character. It was strange, but he somehow looked familiar, and as I was thinking that he spoke up again. "I know I look good but you can look away now, Taehyung by the way you can call me tae" he added with an endearingly cute boxy smile which helped in melting away the look of drowsiness from around his eyes. I felt the corners of my lips quirk up a bit and replied "Jungkook, nice to meet you".

 After a second it seemed like some kind of realisation hit him because he looked at me as if I just rose from the dead. I was just about to ask him whether he was alright when a tall man who looked fairly young with wide shoulders strolled into the room saying " Hey tae here's th-" but cut himself off as he saw me and instead shouted " WHAT HE'S AWAKE ALREADY!?!?" at the top of his lungs causing me to cover my ears. "Hyung! don't scream, his name is Jungkook and yes he's awake, I'm surprised as well" I looked at them strangely hoping for them to explain so that I don't have to ask since I don't particularly like talking too much with people that I don't know all that well.... with a few exceptions here and there.

Thankfully the guy that just walked in read the question right off my face and explained "ok first things first, hi My name is seokjin but you can call me jin hyung", he cleared his throat and continued with saying "tae found you in the forest just before you blacked out from the monster attack, you were covered in bruises and, had a lot of deep cuts and your head was bleeding, you had a very serious concussion". I didn't know how much he knew and although I had about twenty questions already piled up, I decided to ask the most obvious question I could think of "how long was I out for" I was expecting them to say about a month at the very least since the injuries sounded pretty bad. Tae and Jin hyung both pursed their lips and gave each other a brief glance before tae spoke up and answered "that's what surprised us. You were only out for 3 days" I scrunched my eyebrows and immediately started looking all over my body to search for marks, bruises or any visible injury but was surprised to find pretty much nothing. I don't even understand how that's possible.

~Taehyung pov~

I watched him as he started looking all over his body knowing that he was probably scanning himself for bruises, cuts, etc. While he was looking himself over I turned to jin hyung expecting him to say something but he just stood there looking at the boy with a lifted eyebrow. I turn back to jungkook and cleared my throat, as expected he stopped what he was doing and turned his attention back to me. Since he looked pretty unfamiliar with the whole demigod thing it wasn't likely that he had been in some camp overseas, and if he hasn't been in a camp before there should be no way that he knows about demigods, all this really lead me to wonder how he managed to unlock his powers before getting to the camp...

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