6- sun and moon

113 7 21

~Jungkook pov~

as we walk to the field I saw a man standing there with beautiful red hair and an angry look spread across his face.... he looked somewhat familiar but I couldn't place where I  had seen him.

~Taehyung pov~

The three of us walked towards the end of the field where hyung usually trains. When we got there I was hoping to see the happy smiling Hoseok hyung even though I know that if he was on the field earlier during the storm I would be dead meat. as we approached I saw him standing there drenched with a look of murder spread across his face.

I was feeling scared to go up to him knowing that I was in big trouble now.

"hey hoseok hyung"  I called out to him with a guilty smile, he looked over at me and just turned to Jihan "please don't tell me it was him again"  he asked as anger seemed to be replaced with a look of pure annoyance, Jihan just let out a low chuckle and said "who did you expect it to be?". Jungkook looked over at me and whispered questioningly "does this happen often?" I just turn back to him slightly and whisper "yeah a bit I guess I get punishments a lot but it's my first time having to do a duel at all and it just had to be this hyung".

Jungkook tilted his head to the side in confusion as he asked "why are you so afraid of him, he won't kill you right?"  I just chuckled and said "no he won't KILL you he'll just slightly hurt you I mean we are using swords even if they are practice ones but the thing is that he makes it look so effortless it's embarrassing since it only takes him less than a few seconds and the smirk he gives afterwards just makes it worse" Jungkook just looks up at me with big eyes while saying "oooooh that makes sense" I suddenly hear my name being called out and turn to the source in slight fear.

~Jungkook pov~

as taehyung's name was called out he immediately looked to the owner of the voice with a quick snap of the head so I slowly turned around with my head low as well. I looked up at the familiar looking man wondering how he looks so familiar when suddenly he said my name in a tone of disbelief?

"Jungkook?" he asked with both eyes as wide as saucers and mouth gaping in shock. Now I know I have met him before but where?

"Hobi hyung?!?" I screamed out widening my eyes while my mouth gapes open as a look of recognition spreads across my face. I smile widely and run up to him launching myself on to him with full force knocking him over, hoseok hyung fell on the ground with a small thud and groaned slightly before hugging back just as tight. I didn't want to let go at all, it's been like 9 years since I'd last seen him and there was no way I was gonna let him off without a proper explanation.

I quickly scrambled to get off him pulling him up by the hands as quick as possible and immediately shouted at him "YAH WHERE DID YOU GO FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS WHEN YOU JUST LEFT LIKE THAT WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ME, I LOOKED SO LONG FOR YOU AND EVEN ASKED YOUR PARENTS AND THEY JUST SAID THAT YOU HAD TO LEAVE BUT I STILL CHECKED ALL THE PLACES YOU COULD HAVE POSSIBLY WENT BUT YOU WERE JUST GONE SO I NEED AN EXPLANATION RIGHT NOW!!!" it took me a second to regain my breath and composure again but my cheeks still red from anger.

Hobi hyung looked at me with scared and apologetic eyes as he said softly "sorry Jungkook-ah it wasn't my fault" he said while scratching the back of his neck "the monsters found my scent early and sent a mini demon into my house to kill me, everyone got out safe but I had to come here immediately for everyone's safety including yours...... sorry?" he looks back up at me expecting me to say something. 

"well you still could've said a quick goodbye" I said with a pout.

~Taehyung pov~

"what just happened?!?" I whispered to an equally confused Jihan while jungkook basically tackles hoseok hyung, Jihan hyung just looked at me with a 'does it seem like I know what's going on' look, I just look back up ahead to see jungkook suddenly start yelling at hoseok hyung about going missing 9 years ago.... WAIT THEY KNOW EACH OTHER!?! and HOBI hyung? Honestly that's not even the shocking part of it, the shocking part of it was that hobi hyung actually looked... scared?!, after a few seconds hoseok hyung answered softly as if he was scared of saying the wrong thing.

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