13- Banana Milk

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(For the next few chapters it will be just kind of like updates going on with the members lives until the mission finally starts)

3 weeks into training....

Taehyung pov.

I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my phone since we got a break from practice after about 8 hours since we were out on the fields from about 6am to about 2pm, we should be back to practicing by about 3:30pm though.

We have a bunk bed on the right side of the cabin and a single bed on the left side, Jungkook uses the single bed while me and chim use the bunk bed.

Kookie was on his bed doing what looked like listening to music on his new phone since his old phone was destroyed during the attack, with his earphones plugged in and most likely zoning out since he was just staring at the wall, I watched him for a little longer and took in his features until I heard the door of the cabin creak open causing both kookie and I to snap out of our trances.

Jimin walked in with what looked like banana milk and walked over to jungkook's bed, he gave me a smile before sitting down next to kookie.

Jimin pov.

I came into our cabin with some banana milk for kookie since I've heard that he loves banana milk, jungkook looked so adorable that I just felt the need to pamper him.

I opened the door of the cabin and noticed how quiet it was, both taehyung and kookie looked over at me as I walked in, kookie still had his earphones plugged in and tae was holding up his phone.

I didn't even know that tae was here or else I would've brought him something too.

I walked over to kookie's bed and sat down after giving tae a smile, kookie took out his earphones and looked at me with a wide smile and I just couldn't help but want to pinch his cheeks, I tried resisting the urge at first but soon gave up as I felt my hands reaching out on their own towards his face.

"You're so freaking adorable!!!!"

I squealed as I pinched his cheek with my left hand as my right hand was still holding the bottle of banana milk, I saw jungkook pout which just made me want to poke his cheeks but I stopped after remembering that I still had to give the milk.

I reached my arm with the banana milk over to the bunny boy and watched as his eyes lit up. He pretty much just snatched the milk out of my hands and gave me a big hug saying a series of thank you's and saying that I'm the best before hurriedly opening the banana milk and slurping away.

I looked over at taehyung only to see him rolling his eyes, I might look dumb sometimes but I'm really not, this isn't some fanfiction where everyone's clueless about the love stories going on.

I can see the annoyance in his eyes every time I touch jungkook or get close to him, I don't see much jealousy from jungkook but I can tell that he's not exactly happy when I'm touchy with tae.

It's probably a little mean but I want to see what happens if I keep making them jealous, who knows, maybe it could speed up the whole process of getting them together, even other people from around the camp have started shipping them, not that these two noticed.

Jungkook pov.

While I was drinking the banana milk I looked over at jimin hyung to see that he was totally spaced out. I don't know what he was thinking but I could see that he was smirking a little bit which slightly creeped me out but also amused me. I looked away from jimin hyung to look at tae-hyung only to see that he's still on his phone, I think he did look up when jimin hyung came in but however long he had looked up for didn't matter now because he was back to the phone.

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