Here's To FH&M Hitting 4K

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To all those who read my book, view and acknowledge my crazy and obsessive book follow ups and send me a congratulations text every time FH&M hits another milestone.
Thank you.

You're a part of this. A part of my baby.
This book isn't just a book. It's 5 year worth of all the feelings in my heart and mind. It's partially literally and metaphorically my story.
You must know that every time I read comments and see even 5 more hits touch my book, a smile spreads across my face.

Initially it was for me. This was just something I wrote to handle my emotions, get them out. It was for Him and finding a way to him. But now when I see so many people falling for it, I make people happy by writing, they connect and fall in love with it. They relate and dream and the only secret is that its raw and comes straight from the heart.

I feel like I fucking did something more useful and valid than getting a fucking pointless 90% result and rank at school. Because that is happiness. But it isn't pure. But the feeling of cutting a cake or making a pie for my creation is what means the bloody stars to me. It's pure joy. A god damn Ethiopian shot at Starbucks. Warm, thick, strong, so mind blowingly bitter that it hits the taste buds like tantalising shock of pleasure.

Definitely a turn on.

So you guys, give me that, the happiness.

Another thing, most of the people who are reading this are teenagers who have to make their decisions as to what stream their going to take. Guys, there will be pressure, there will be 357 spineless losers telling you to do something. But your heart will tell exactly what you should do. At the close of day, your happiness matters more than what your extended, extended family's neighbour is gonna think. Don't ever compromise such a big decision and put yourself in a situation you will forever regret.

Please don't take this the wrong way. Because if you're unsure. Then listening to what your parents have to say is good. But if you know for sure what you bloody want. Get it.

Once again, a big thank you, for all the endless love, support and faith. You make me want to wake up everyday, and that in itself is a very big thing. Wishing all of you the best in everything, because we deserve it and because we are enough.

Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on all our lives. The lockdown is hard to deal with, hopefully FH&M updates are keeping you company! Stay home! Stay Safe!

3000 hugs and kisses,
Chhavi Nahata

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