Chapter 1

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[ Erin POV ]

I walked into my classroom for a first semester. Looking around for a seat, I found one on the back row, near the window that seemed perfect. For some reason, no ne looked like they wanted it.

Then, I saw the reason. The " clean freak " of the school was seated just in front. Of course, not everyone could handle him. He was quite blunt, and didn't seemed interested in anything other that volleyball. I was in his class last year, but didn't really knew him much. I smiled, walking over. No one would bother me here.

Being part of big group of false friends wasn't really my thing. Last year, some girls had approached me trying to sound like they wanted to be friends with me, but I had saw straight through them and knew they just wanted me to have a good image. I refused many times, so in the end, they got annoyed at me and started rumors behind my back, leaving nearly alone. And they had got me in trouble with the teachers saying I threatened them. Ugh

I still have my best friend, Kayano, who, unfortunately is in a different class this year, making us both sad. And another one in Fukurodani Academy. I also had some others friends from different schools. Not that being alone bothered me. It's actually quite pleasant not being bothered all the time.

I sat down and leaned against the back of my chair, a slight smile on my lips as I watched the class. It wasn't meant in a creepy maner, I just had a habit of observing all the different ways of acting, guessing what they were talking about, how well they lied. Yeah, it was a bit weird, but I'm just really good at reading people. And it got me out of trouble often enough because people don't like being read like an open book, or me guessing who their crush is. But it also got me in trouble, but I knew how to deal with it.

But actually, there was some people i couldn't read, and for some reason, they were all part of a volleyball club. I though about my best friend Bokuto. Mhh maybe not him. He's just simple minded, and so honest it's hard to believe him sometimes. and then there was his friend, from Nekoma, who was a real mystery, Testuro Kuroo. He and Bokuto often hanged out together, dragging me along. And there was my annoying cousins, and who knows else. I was starting to think that the volleyball guys were all just freaks sometimes. Just thinking about them gave me a headache, even if I liked them. I had no idea how Akaashi dealed with it everyday.

And then... there was him. Kiyoomi Sakusa. The guy who never showed anuthing else than annoyance and distgust from crowds and germs. He always wore an expressionless face, and the same look. I had seen his face change a few blissful times while he was playing, mainly when spiked. I wasn't even sure if he liked his teammates. And he hated Bokuto, or at least avoided him as much as possible I had been told. I wasn't even surprised when that owl had said that. Not everyone could handle him.

"...... Erin Miya "

I snapped out of my thoughts. 

"Yes. Present "

The teacher had started to check if everyone was here while I was daydreaming. The rest of the day passed really slow, as usual, and it was very boring. 

Once I got back home, I literally crumpled on the couch, tossed my bag on the floor, and scrolled through my Instagram for an hour or two, forgetting all about my homework.

Hi everyone! i just wanted to thank you for reading this. It's my first haikyuu fanfiction, so i hope there won't be to many incoherences. I apologize if there is. It's also the first fanfic I plan to continue and not just delete a week later. 

I hope you will like it. Have a nice day! 

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

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