Chapter 6

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I got back home and saw my dumbass cousins shoes on the floor, but they where nowhere to be seen. They must of went intrude my room.

I went up. " Hiya" The blond haired boy looked at me. 

" Hi! Where were you?" 

" somewhere. What are you two doing here? O shall I say four ? " I said noticing Bokuto and Kayano talking in the corner. 

Kayano looked up. " Soo how was your afternoon with him? " She said intentionally teasing me.

" It was just homework. " 

" Ooh~ so our cousins meeting boys now~? " Atsumu continued.

" Shut up playboy trash. Hi Otsumu."

" hello."

" Why are you nice with him?" 

" because I deserve it. Not like you." Osamu answered. 

I sat down. " So what brings everyone to my room?"

" we heard Auntie and Uncle was back from their trip so we came to say hi. We got a day sick day tomorrow. Well that's what mum and dad are gonna tell the teachers.Then they called those two, interrupting their date." he explained.

" Date?" 

" It wasn't a date. We were just hanging out and talking about you actually."

" So who were you with erin? " Atsumu asked me. 

why does he remember the smallest details?

" A classmate"

" That she finds hot may I add" kayano giggled. 

We were now all in a circle on the floor arguing.

" what? No!"

" He is and you know it" was all she answered.

" come on, who is it?" Atsumu pestered us noticing we were being careful to not say his name.

" I'm curious now " We all shut up. Osamu rarely   participated in these type on conversations and just listened and teased Atsumu.

" As I said, a classmate."

" Is it the same classmate you were cheering for at the volleyball match yesterday?" bokuto asked.

" No. Yes. Maybe? Yes" I finally answered.

" Huh? He's from the boy's volleyball team?" atsumu asked.

" yes. and before you go making assumptions, we're just friends. Actually I don't even know if we're friends." 

" So who is iiiiiiiitt????" He really is persistent. 

" Just don't freak out ok?"

"Sure. " Bokuto and Atsumu answered.

" Kyoomi Sakusa"


" As I said...." I started " I'm not dating him." It was no use. Atsumu and Bokuto were already freaking out, Kayano was just smirking me while giving me the ' You're lying ' look. And Osamu was just looking at us like we were mad.

Wich we sort were.

After clearing up the misunderstanding with Bokuto and sort of  with Atsumu, we went to eat dinner, and not long after we were back to arguing in my bedroom, and Bokuto went back home.
Making my mum mad and scolding us for being to noisy.

~ time skip ( during class ) ~

I yawned. With the Miya cousins at home and Kayano, I hadn't slept a bit. Osamu and Atsumu were spending the day with mum and dad.

~The next day~

The bell rang, but I didn't hear it and I started dozing off. Suddenly, I felt a slight tzp on my shoulder, and saw Kayano. 

" I was wondering where you were " 

" What do you mean?"

" Look at the time. " I did as she said, and thought I was going to choke on air

" It's been one hour! why didn't anyone wake me up?"

" That's why I came. Sakusa came to see me and told me you were here. That's probably his jacket. " I looked at my shoulders, confused, and saw a sport jacket.


" Well, you should go thank him, and give it back." 

" Yeah." I sent him a message. 

me : Are you at practice?

I started walking out of school when I saw Osamu. " Hi. I came to pick you up. 'Tsumu to annoying."

" Hi" I knew what he meant so I didn't complain. I waved at my best friend as she left.

My phone buzzed. 

Sakusa : Yeah why?

me : I'm gonna come, I hope it isn't over yet.

I looked at Osamu. 

" You don't mind coming with me somewhere, do you?"

" Nah, lead the way."

I went back in the school, and headed towards the gym, followed by my cousin.

I went in and saw everyone on break. 

"Hey!" I waved at the team.

Komori smiled and waded back. " Hi. what brings you he- why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be in his school?"

" Long story. where's Sakusa? " He looked at me questioningly, and pointed the wall about two meters away.

" Hi." he looked at me. " Thanks for earlier. I would of probably finished sleeping at school." I took the jacket off my shoulders. 

" Thanks" I hadn't noticed the whole team observing our interactions. And neither had sakusa. But he had just noticed the Miya brother. 

" What is HE doing here?" He grunted. 

" I told you yesterday. He slept at home. Don't worry the other one isn-"

" WHY DID YOU GO WITHOUT ME 'SAMU? " I would always recognize that annoying voice. 

I turned round. " What in the world are you doing here" I rubbed my temples. " Actually, I don't care. Osamu, can you bring him back home please?"

He sighted. " Fine, you owe me this one." He grabbed him brother by the collar and starting dragging him. When he arrived at the door, he turned round and bowed. " Sorry for interrupted your practice" And left.

' what the hell was that?' 

"Um... What happened? and who was that?" A first year asked.

The coach stood up. " Those two are known in the volleyball world as the Miya twins. You'll see soon enough at the next interhigh tournament. "

 I stayed to watch the practice and helped them tidy up as an apology for Atsumu and me interrupting practice. I was going to leave, when someone from the team shouted " sakusa, you're going to walk Erin back home, aren't you?"

wait, what?

" Sure." That surprised me even more, and I blushed. What? I tried to hide it and just sighted.       " whatever" A smile was on my lips tho, even though he couldn't see it. 

We said buy to the team and walked in a comfortable silence. 

We weren't far from home when he stopped. " Mmh?"

" After the project is over, can we stay as we are now?" I heard him ask. A grin spread on my face. 

"Sure!" a started skipping, and he followed me home. At my doorstep, I called out. 

"SAKUSA!" He stopped, surprised. " That's means we're friends right."

" I pretty sure that was obvious" I'm pretty sure I heard him mumble. 

" Just come to practice tomorrow evening then"

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