Chapter 21

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[ 3rd POV ]

Erin opened the door, and saw some dark grey hair over the couch. An irritated tick appeared, and she cleared her throat. 

Osamu turned round, hesitance on his face. He gulped when he felt a dark aura irradiating around her, but she then felt a hand on her shoulder. 

" Erin, I think you should let him talk before you kill him... " But Sakusa's voice scared Osamu just as much, because he was actually more angry than Erin for making her cry. 

 Noise was heard upstairs, and a sleepy figure walked down the stairs. 

" I was finally able to sleep for the first time in a week " He whined his eyes closed as yawned. He saw his brother and slapped himself. " 'Samu... SAMMUUUU!!! I'm sorry! don't leave me again! " He rushed by his twin side. He pulled him into a hug and shook him. 

" WHERE WERE YOU ???!!!! 'SAMU, DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN ! " Atsumu was hysteric, and Erin and Sakusa just stood there, waiting for him to finish his scene.

Osamu smiled at him and sighted. 

" Would ya calm down ya rat ? " 

Erin took that as an opportunity walked behind him. She bent her knee against the back of his and made his fall on the floor. 

" Have you any idea how much you made us worry ? Where were you ? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... You didn't answer any of my messages. I mean Atsumu, I would understand... One whole week. I swear if you do that again I'm bleaching your hair bright pink. Actually, if you  even think about doing it again without telling me, I'm helping Atsumu take over your bedroom" she threatened oddly calm. 

" Sorry sorry. I promise I'll explain everything soon. But anyway, why is Sakusa here ? Are you two dating ? Wait did I interrupt so- "

" No, no way " Atsumu piped in " Can you really imagine our sadistic cousin dating someone ? And him being able to have feelings ? Both of them being nice ? " He shook his head " Samu, you really have a wild imagination "

Erin sweat dropped at his mood swing. He was all dramatic and all of a sudden it was as if nothing had happened. 

" Let me clear things up... Atsumu... First of all, yes I am slightly sadistic, but only to you. Yes, you did interrupt something, but it isn't what you're thinking of. No, we aren't dating. And Kiyoomi can be nice, when he wants to "

Both of them had stopped listening after the  ' Yes you did interrupt something '  and didn't even bother try to listen to what she said after. Sakusa internally groaned, cursing Erin. He was also wondering what he was doing here, as it was probably the most chaotic situation he had ever assisted to. It was obvious he had never met Karasuno.  

" Don't worry Erin, I'll leave " He smiled at the girl before sending a death glare at Osamu.

Once he left, they all sat on the couch and Erin's bad mood came straight back. 

" Osamu Miya.... If you don't give me a good explanation now... " He brought his hands up in defeat. 

" I will. But before... " He turned to face his twin " I didn't know you loved me this much~ " He teased, and the other gave him a hit with his elbow. 

" Yer not funny 'Samu. I was really worried you stupid stinking onigiri " Atsumu sulked next to him.

Osamu pulled his brother's head over ran his hand through his blond hair. " Sorry 'Tsumu " He whispered. 

" Ya better be " The other muttered.

" Pff- Stop being such a rat. I wouldn't make such a fuss if you left " Osamu rolled his eyes while letting go of the setter. 

Erin left the room leaving them bicker. She made dinner, and they all ate together, and no one mentioned Osamu's disappearance, it would be something for tomorrow. 

The two of them left together, and the two cousins looked at each other. She sent him a warning look, making him promise to tell her everything the next day.

She waved and shouted a last thing that would give Osamu nightmares.

" By the way, Kita is reaaally mad, so be careful tomorrow, I still need you in one piece "

He felt shivers through his spine and for a second tried to remember why he came back, or why he left. Kita's fury was one thing every being should fear, that he was sure of.

Atsumu clinged to his brother for the whole night, not letting him go for a second.

The next day, they met at the twin's house, and the three of them went into their bedroom. 

They sat down and Erin was getting very impatient. 

" Samu, now START TALKING BEFORE I MURDER YOU " She told him holing a tennis racket that had been lying in the corner of the room.

He sighted and his himself behind his arms. 

" Ok. So don't be mad please. You all know it's been a year right...? Since her-her death. You see last year, before well... You know, she gave me a letter. I've always refused to open it, I was scared. And the other day, I decided it was time to accept her death fully. And you see..."

[ Erin POV ]

I sadly looked at his dejected face, and reached out for his hand. Asami had been Osamu's best friend and girlfriend during middle school and when she died, he hadn't wanted to accept it. 

The fact that he did was a big step, and I knew it had been hard. 

" So what was in there ? " 

He shook his head. 

" Two letters and a bracelet "


Where the f*ck is this book going ? I have no idea. But I know this will finish in around... Ten chapters max ? I think. Maybe more if I feel like writing. But seriously I feel like this is getting worse and worse haha. 

But thank you for everyone who is still following this, and commenting and voting. It's from all of you that I get my motivation for writing, so that you so much again.

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