Chapter 22

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" Two letters and a necklace "

Erin gave him a confused look, and Atsumu wasn't even sure why all this had something to do with him leaving.

She moved her hands around, asking for more information. " The suspense is killing you isn't it ? " Osamu lazily smirked.

They didn't answer, so he went on. 

" The first one was directed to me...." His voice trailed off " And the second one was for her neighbor from when she used to live in Miyagi. I felt like I'd waited too long to go over there, and decided o give it to him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, I just felt like it was something I should do alone. The thing is, I only knew the school he was attending, and his name, so I found what's his name again ?  Ah, yes Kageyama to help me. And well, you can sort of imagine the rest. "

Atsumu opened his mouth to close it again without a sound. 

" You saw Tobio ? " 

Erin giggled as that was the only part that he remembered. 

" Yeah, I did. I also saw Bokuto and Kuro- " He clamped his hands over his mouth realizing his mistake. 

Erin gasped at him before her eyes strated turning dark. She quickly took out her phone and contacted her best friend.

" Hey hey hey! Hi Erin, what's up ? " He answered in a cheerful voice.

" Bokuto.... Tell me truthfully... Did you know about Osamu ? "

On the other side of the line, he paled, looking for an excuse.

"Haha please don't be mad Erin ?  I'm VER VERY sorry I swear he made me promise "

She turned towards her cousin, who just looked at the floor guiltyly.

"Bo.... Next time I'm seeing you you're dead owl meat " she threatened.

" I'm sorryyyy Eriiiin. I swear. Please don't kill me, I'm to young to die! "

A hyena laugh was heard behind him, and she added a last bit.

"And that applies to you to Kuroo "

Sighting, she hung up and laid her head on her knees.

" I'm happy you're back, and I understand you had a reason, but never do that again please "

" I won't I promise ". The boy said as he patted her head.

"By the way.... I think we should focus on the main priority here... " He started saying.

Atsumu looked at him and smirked evilly.

"Yeah Erin! What did we interrupt yesterday? "

She deadpanned.

"Nothing "

"That isn't what you said before~ "

" Just both of you please shut up "

" You're dropping the subject "

" So there was something "

" Can you two just fight like usual ? " Never did she think she would ever say those words.

They continued bickering for another good ten minutes but she refused to say a word. She ate over there and spent the day with the two, as well as their teammates.

Erin also had the pleasure to see Osamu getting an earful from all of them, and got the video from Suna. They had each others contexts for a while and she had a LOT of blackmail material against her dear cousins.

She was happy the two of them had found good friends and teammates to play with and share their passion, and there was times when a smile crept in replacing her usual blank expression.

On their way back from ice cream, they went on their separate way sand went back home.

Humming, she took a shower and and tin her bed, and saw message from Kiyoomi.


Too lazy to type back, she pressed the call button, and he answered not long after.

" Hi! " Her clear voice rang in the boy's ears.

" Hello "

"Sorry for kicking you out yesterday..." She apologized sheepishly.

His deep voice chuckled.

" Don't worry, it's fine, I don't mind at all. Is everything sorted out now ? "

"Yeah, he really worried me for nothing that little sly fox "

He didn't answer and she started talking again. Something in the air changed when she did.

" You know Kiyoomi.... I know I'm going to change the subject right now, I just needed to tell you this. I'm really glad I chose you as a partner that day. Even if it was for stupid reasons 

" Homestly, I am too " he answered truthfully " You know, there's not many people I'm so comfortable around, and vice versa. Yet with you, it isn't difficult, and you keep up with my habits "

She looked out the window, and at the stars.

Smiling she took a deep breath.

" The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it? "

His breath hitched at the other end, but she didn't hear it. Smiling too, he looked at the night sky.

" It is Erin "

Happiness took over her and she started humming again, a habit she had when she was alone or well....happy.

The call ended, and she fell asleep soundly. Memories of dreams of a certain person washed over her as she woke up, and she rolled her eyes at herself cursing romance animes.

For some reason, she had the feeling she had forgotten about something, and when she arrived in the gym, she knew what. 

Everyone was very hyped up, and all practicing with so much energy she could see it going out of them. She sat down, and face palmed. 

' How could I have forgotten... Inter high finals starts in a few days... '


Funny fact that you probably noticed : I'm not following the anime or manga, so well I'm just going to invent some games and names until the finals... That will be against... I won't ell you yet

Another one : I have stupid bloming full time school for the next two weeks

And lastly, I started writing my next fic for after this. Which one should I focus on ? There's 3 choices :

- A Assassin's Au akaashi x OC

- A knb, Free! and Haikyuu crossover (  more once it goes in the plot a little deeper ) with a Oikawa x OC

- Or a tsukishima x OC in a 'animal' AU 

These should start being published once this is finished and during or after the summer holidays~

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