Chapter 13

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[ 3rd POV ]

Erin and Tendou walked back in the gym, and for a second saw the apocalypse. The players were all talking about something at the same time, making things even more confusing, and the coaches looked at them wondering if they should stop this. Erin heard her name quite a few times, along with her cousin's ones, and something about Tendou too. She sweatdropped at the scene.

Sakusa, Goshiki, Semi and Shibaru were on the benches, well the Shiratorizawa ones were. They were also the first ones to notice the pair come back.

They waved at them.

" You two created quite a mess " Semi pointed out sounding tired and annoyed " They're all fighting about if Erin would come back, and who won, and whatever else. We sort of guessed you knew about the manager thing and was part of some twisted plan again "

" Semi semi! It wasn't even my idea this time ! "

" So there is a plan ? " Goshiki pointed out, and glanced at the girl, who had joined the coaches. She clapped her hands and the rest of the players finally saw her, and  one of the coaches finally talked. 

" Thank you for this game, and I hope that we will play again in the future. As you can see, our manager is here, so you may be less noisy now " He said the last part in a low voice, scaring half the people listening. 

The Shiratorizawa team left, leaving Itachiyama's one in silence.

" You played well today, good job ! " Erin smiled at the team, a genuine one, not the smirk she usually used. They watched confused.

" But we lost. Why are you still he- " He got stopped by her giggle.

" Oh my- Please don't tell me that why you guys look like you're at a funeral ? " She raised her eyebrow.

" Well we were looking forward to have a manager " Someone said.

" Pff, don't worry. I'm still becoming your manager, don't worry about that. But it seems like you guys need a bit more practice no~? How about we double the amount for next days?  " She taunted, wanted to relax the atmosphere, and everyone took a step back not sure if she was joking.

" Stop scaring them " Komori scolded her.

" Fine fine. Anyway, I'm looking forward to spend some time with you guys, and see you win, so please take care of me " 

" YES ! " They bowed at her, happy. 

" But why did you tell us we needed to win- Oh " A flashback appeared in their minds, and they all deadpanned, wondering why they didn't think of this possibility before. 

" I'm want to see you all play in your full capacity, to be able to adjust your training before the Interhigh "

They looked at her, wondering where this was leading.

" Ok? How are you going to do that? " 

" You were testing us " 

" Maybe, maybe not. Or, maybe I was moved by a speech and actions from a certain someone the other day~" The girl laughed at their faces, while looking at Sakusa, who was frowing at her. He was half mad, half relieved at Erin. 

[ Sakusa POV ]

Me and Erin were chosen to finish cleaning the gym, as we were the only one who were still able to do something. I turned round once everything was done and looked at her, dancing about swinging the keys around.

Her hair was flying about, and I observed the features of her face. There was no one else around, and all I wanted to do was put my arm around her waist and kiss her right here and now. I respected and admired Ushijima's volleyball, but the way he had ogled her during his time here had gotten on my nerves. Each time his gaze had followed her, I had wanted to spike a ball in his face, and take her away. 

God I was in this really deep, wasn't I ? 

And how she had spent most of her time talking with that middle blocker. Ugh. Frustrated at my own feelings, and lost in my thoughts, I didn't see Erin's concerned face. 

" Hey " She waved her hand in front of me, her soft voice snapping me out of it.

" Sorry "

" You look troubled "

" Don't worry, I'm not " I answered her as she locked the gym behind her.

" Don't lie " She sighted " You're tense. And your face looks like you're constipated " 

I made a disgusted grimace at her way of phrasing things. 

" It's nothing really. It's just that... I've got all these feelings I need to sort out I suppose. And I wanted to win. I didn't keep my promise to you " I just wanted to tell her everything, but I just couldn't. Running my hand on my face to cover it, I looked at the sky, stopping.

" That's fine. Just win the Interhigh then " She stated, looking back as she waited for me. 

 For some odd reason, this time it was Erin walking me back.

I just caught up with her and continued talking.

" You know, I was quite... Mmh, jealous? Annoyed I suppose at Ushijima " 

" Why ? Because he won ? "

" No. Didn't you see how his eyes lingered on your every step ? " 

" No. I didn't. But I don't see why that would annoy you. I mean, it's not like we're dating~" She was in her playful mode, and each time she was, my competitive side showed up.

" Maybe, but we could "

" That's for you to tell me~Anyway, night Omi! I hope you dream of me ! " She waved and left me at my doorstep.

What I hadn't seen was the blush on her cheeks as she turned away.

" That I will..."

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