Chapter 3

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[ Erin POV ]

I groaned waking up, and looked at the time.

"crap, crap crap, I'm late!!"stupid alarm clock!"  

I got dressed the fastest I could, quickly brushed my hair, grabbed my school bag, and rushed out the house. I turned my phone and saw a message from someone I didn't expect. Ooh this was going to be an nice evening. I grinned to myself.  Noticing I had stopped walking, I started running to school.

[ Sakusa POV ]

I glanced at the seat behind me. Class had started since fifteen minutes and Miya wasn't here yet. Maybe she was late. I frowned. Why was I even thinking about that?

Suddenly, the door burst open, and I saw her. Yeah, she was late. I sighted, ugh, she's out of breath. If you're already late, why bother running ? I mean, what would 5 minutes change?

" Miya, you're late." The teacher stated. 

She put her head down. " so-sorry" she stuttered, going to her seat. 

" Hey" she whispered. I rolled my eyes and slightly turn round, letting her know I heard her. " I won't be able to attend your practice tonight, sorry" i accidentally turned round, looking at her while questioning her silently.  

" You two at the back, be quiet!" the teacher singled us out. 

" I hate attention" I heard her mutter. At least we had that in common.

I still wondered why she couldn't come this evening. I don't think she attends any clubs, and doesn't look very social. Well those were assumptions that would be proven wrong later, but anyways, I was curious so at the end of the lesson, I went to see her. 

" Why can't you come this evening ?" 

" Family" was the only the thing she said. Her face looked bright, but I didn't ask anything else out of respect. I mean, I wasn't really close to her.

~Later on at practice~ 

The ball smacked the floor forcefully, leaving tingles in my palm . The coach called us and we all sat down. 

" This weekend, we will be playing a practice match against Fukurodani" he announced. Most of us looked happy, but I just let out a grunt. That loud idiotic spiker would be here. I sighted and though of something. 

Yesterday evening, Miya had sent me a message, letting me know her number.

" coach, I was wondering if you would let one of my classmates to look at the game from the bench?" I asked. The gym fell silent, letting me think about what I just said.

" It's for a project" I explained " I would like her to understand the basics of volleyball, so I would like to invite her over. I was planning to bring her today, but she has something planned" 

The coach looked at me, and answered.

" Fine, as long that she doesn't disturb the game." 

The others were just looking, their mouths wide open. " HER??" 

" Yeah, you know, I already told you the other day." 

"Um sorry to say this, but you're actually being sociable" the captain stated " aren't you scared she's got germs or something like that. That's what you always say to us when we approach."

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