Chapter 14

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A few weeks passed, more like a month or two, with the usual routine for Erin . Morning classes, eating with the volleyball team and her best friend, classes again, and being the volleyball manager.

She'd then walk back with Sakusa, sometimes hanging out with Komori and the others before. On weekends, she'd either visit someone or watch anime. Her and Kiyoomi were closer than before, but wouldn't stop teasing each other. Komori and Kayano had noticed that and made comments, but that had just made things worst. They both had something driving them to make the other a flustered mess, and they knew it. But apart from the boy's volleyball dorks and Kayano, Erin didn't have any friends or 'real life ones'. Recently, she'd met a really good gamer online who was intriguing her, and would go home faster than usual, irritating Sakusa.

" Why are you rushing again ? " He asked her for the hundredth time.

" I'm meeting online with a friend in ten minutes "

" And you're rushing me with you ? " He sighted. It was rare she was this motivated, so he went along with it. 

" You're the one who doesn't want to let go of me "

" I'm pretty sure it's the other way round princess " As the words slipped out of his mouth, he realized what he had just called her, and tried to maintain his stoic face. On the other hand, the girl had frozen, and was feeling so hot she could faint, but decided to let it slide. Wrong move.

" So you like it when I call you like that ? " 

Erin rolled her eyes at him, not wanting to answer.

" What? Do you want me to call you daddy too ? " 

" tch. Keep your nicknames to yourself " 

" Aw, did you like it that much- Ok ok, I'll stop " she raised her hands up, after being glared at. She then decided to avoid looking at his face, not wanting to blush, and noticed something off.

" Hey, do you want to come in today ? " 

" Huh? ok.... If you want " He was perplexed. She'd just said she was going to play.

They walked in and and she took her shoes off. Sakusa hesitated before looking at the girl.

" Hey, um, can I keep my shoes on ? "

[ Erin POV ]

" Hey, um, can I keep my shoes on ? " 

So I was right

" Why ? " It's always better to play dumb.

" there could be germs on your floor "

" You've got socks " He avoided my gaze, and all the playful atmosphere from earlier had left.

" You know what, I've got stuff to do. I'm going home " He tried to turn round, but I gripped his wrist and sat him on the sofa.

" Stay here "

I went to the bathroom, and went to get some cream and some ice.

When I came back, he widened his eyes.

" Wait, you knew? "

I didn't answer and removed his shoe. Along with his sock. I rubbed the cream in and placed a towel around the pouch of ice, before pressing it against the the player's ankle. 

" You're stupid. You were just going to go back home, and go to practice tomorrow like you didn't hurt yourself? Be more careful " I was concerned, and my voice reflected that.

" I'm going to play, but you can stay if you want. I'll put a film " 

It started and he laid down, and I tapped his shoulder. He turned, quizzical. I sat next to him, and rested his head on my legs.

" Leave me a bit of space you giant " 

He smiled at me, but I could only see his eyes move a bit. He then looked away and watched Howl's Moving Castle. 

I went online and apologized to my friend.

To : Kodzuken

Sorry, a friend was injured and didn't tell me =_=

from : Kodzuken

Don't worry. That happens to me too. They're all stupid. What's the point of hiding it? Just because you can't play after?

to : Kodzuken

Play ?

from : Kodzuken 

Yeah. Volleyball. My friends overwork sometimes. I don't see the point. It's extra work for nothing.

Do you wanna pass level 71 today ? 

to : Kodzuken


We played for an hour, until he went offline. He excuse himself about some incoherent mess about a bedhead. That made me think of Bokuto's bro and I laughed. I went into my contacts and sent him a message.

" Hey hot head. Feel like meeting up this weekend? With Bo and Kayano ? It's been a while "

" You sure you just don't miss me and wanna hook up? Before you threaten to kill me, it's just joking 'kay. I'll ask the owl. I'll maybe invite my childhood friend ;) If he agrees to go out =_=  "

" The famous one ? "

" Yeah, the one and only Kozume "

As I was texting, I started playing with Kiyoomi's hair, not thinking about who was on my knees. I was to used to doing it to people.

[ Sakusa POV ]

I couldn't concentrate on the movie. The moment she had put me against her lap, the only thing I could do was watch concentrated face. When her hand went in my hair, I closed my eyes and started humming.

She didn't seem to have noticed what she had been doing, and I didn't want to disturb her.

A knock was heard and she froze, looking at me. She walked to the door, and I sat up. She opened it and I couldn't see. The person said something and she chocked on air. 

" WHAT THE FUCK ATSUMU ? YOU CAN'T FIN- JUST WHAT HAPPENED EXACTLY ?!! " Erin shouted at the boy, and I could now clearly see the setter's devastated face. 

[kiyoomi sakusa x OC] - observantWhere stories live. Discover now